The General Fund is the state government's main operating fund. By law the fund must remain balanced over a two-year period; state government cannot spend more than it deposits to the fund.
Overall state government receipts are estimated at $32.2 billion for FY 2006-07, with 84% of receipts coming from state taxes. Income, sales, corporate, motor vehicle and state property are the five biggest tax categories.For FY 2006-07 the DNR will deposit $15.7 million to the General Fund. Examples include receipts from a range of transactions such as assessing water use fees; selling timber for harvest on state land; the sales tax on park permits; merchandise sold at state parks on nursery seedlings, maps and publications; collecting fire fighting fees; and leasing state land. The receipts deposited by the DNR are intermingled with all other tax and non-tax receipts in the General Fund.Expenditures:
Under current law about 87% of the money in the state General Fund will be spent in the next two fiscal years on the following: K through 12 education, higher education, health and human services, and aid to local governments. Less than 13% of the General Fund money will be spent on all other state agency operations and services. The DNR General Fund budget is less than 1% of the state wide General Fund.Major expenditures from the General Fund are for programs directly related to the protection and managements of Minnesota’s wetlands, lakes, rivers, and ground water resources. They support the development and management of state parks and recreation areas, forest management and fire management, 1854 Indian treaty payments, and payments to counties and cities to offset their expenses incurred in support of natural resources lands.Next: Game and Fish Fund