Trails and Waterways

The Division of Trails and Waterways creates recreation opportunities through a system of trails and water recreation facilities that contribute to a sustainable quality of life. The division provides access to lakes, rivers, and streams; designates canoe and boating routes; and provides trails to be used for a variety of motorized and non-motorized recreational activities. The division, in cooperation with local governments, constructs boat accesses and fishing piers, acquires shore-fishing sites; and plans, acquires, develops, and manages the state trail system. For more information on the DNR division of Trails and Waterways, please visit:

Trails and Waterways
FY 2006-07 Budget by Funding Source: $66.0 Million

Parks and Recreation Program FY 2006-07 Operating Budget Chart
  • Special Revenue - 0.6% / $0.4 Million
  • Federal - 10.7% / $7.0 Million
  • Environmental Trust - 4.2% / $2.8 Million
  • General - 4.5% / $3.0 Million
  • Game & Fish - 6.3% / $4.2 Million
  • Natural Resources - 73.6% / $48.6 Million

FY 2006-07 Trails and Waterways Program Breakdown by Activity

FY 2006-07 Program Breakdown by Activity Chart

  • Non-Motorized Recreation - 22.4% / $14.8 Million
  • Water Recreation - 33.9% / $22.3 Million
  • Motorized Recreation - 43.7% / $28.9 Million
Non-motorized recreation activity exists to provide trail recreation for state residents and tourists. Water recreation activity provides the public with water based recreational boating and fishing opportunities and services. Motorized recreation activity provides motorized trail users the opportunity to access and enjoy the outdoors in a safe, responsible manner while protecting sensitive resources and fostering local economic development.

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