Ecological Resources

The division of Ecological Resources works to ensure that present and future Minnesotans benefit from healthy and resilient ecosystems. These benefits include opportunities for high quality outdoor recreation such as hunting, fishing, and wildlife observation. The division provides vital ecosystem services such as protecting and managing all wildlife species as well as native plants and natural communities, such as prairies and wetlands. It addresses serious threats such as contaminants and invasive non-native species and the need to restore degraded lakes, rivers and wetlands, to protect and improve the natural resources that are so important to Minnesota’s quality of life. The division also supports the clean water initiative by conducting biological assessments, providing technical assistance, and protecting riparian lands. For more information on the DNR division of Ecological Resources, please visit .

Ecological Resources
FY 2006-07 Budget by Funding Source: $35.4 Million

Ecological Resources FY 2006-07 Operating Budget Chart
  • General - 24.6% / $8.7 Million
  • Game & Fish - 21.0% / $7.5 Million
  • Natural Resources - 18.7% / $6.5 Million
  • Special Revenue - 11.4% / $4.0 Million
  • Federal - 16.6% / $5.9 Million
  • Environmental Trust - 7.7% / $2.7 Million

FY2006-07 Ecological Resources Program Breakdown by Activity

Ecological Resources FY 2006-07 Operating Budget Chart
  • Nongame & Rare Resources - 45.0% / $15.9 Million
  • Lakes & Rivers - 13.0% / $4.6 Million
  • Ecosystem Health - 22.0% / $ 7.8
  • Integrated Conservation Information - 20.0% / $7.1 Million
Nongame & Rare resources activity protects and manages Minnesota's nongame wildlife, native plants, and plant communities with a special emphasis on rare and declining resources. Lakes & Rivers activity conserves Minnesota's lakes, rivers, and shoreland resources with a special emphasis on in-stream habitat, aquatic plants, aquatic invertebrates, and nongame fish. Ecosystem health activity monitors, assesses, and reduces the impacts of threats to Minnesota's natural resources by harmful invasive species, contaminants, fish diseases, and hazardous material spills. Integrated Conservation information activity, delivers ecological data to local units of government as they plan community development, educational products that help guide resource decisions, and an effective information system that provides up-to-date ecological data.

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