Forestry Management

The Division of Forestry ensures the sustainable yield of forest resources, including timber, wildlife habitat, recreation, and aesthetics. It manages 4.2 million acre’s of state owned forest land and protects 45.5 million acres of land in Minnesota from wildfires. The division protects life, property, and natural resources from wildfires. The division also brings together the state’s varied forest resources interests to develop and implement programs that promote sustainable site and landscape based forest management practices. For more information on the DNR division of Forestry please visit:

Forestry Management
FY 2006-07 Budget by Funding Source: $125.8 Million

FY 2006-07 Forest Program Activity Breakdown Chart

  • Special Revenue -19.5% / $24.6 Million
  • Federal - 9.1% / $11.5 Million
  • Environmental Trust - 1.8% / $42.2 Million
  • General - 52.6% / $66.2 Million
  • Game & Fish - 0.4% / $0.5 Million
  • Natural Resources - 16.6% / $20.9 Million

FY 2006-07 Forest Program Breakdown by Activity

FY 2006-07 Forest Program Activity Breakdown Chart

  • Fire Fighting - 31.5% / $39.7 Million
  • SFRA Implementation - 1.2% / $1.4 Million
  • Forest Management - 67.3% / $84.7 Million
Forest management activity is responsible for providing a sustainable supply of forest products to meet human needs and to provide income to the permanent school trust fund. Fire fighting activity is charged with preventing and suppressing wildfires on 4.5 million acres of public and private land in Minnesota. The Sustainable Forest Resources Act (SFRA) is responsible for promoting the sustainable management and protection of Minnesota’s forest resources.

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