Parks and Recreation

The division of Parks and Recreation FY 2006-07 biennial budget is 12.2% of the DNR biennial budget. The division of Parks and Recreation provides a state park and state recreation system that conserves and manages Minnesota’s natural, scenic, and cultural resources for current and future generations, while providing appropriate recreation and education opportunities. The division maintains and operates 73 state parks and recreation areas and 54 state forest campground and use areas. Eight million visitors visit state park and recreation areas annually generating $15 million in annual revenue. 

Parks and Recreation Program
FY 2006-07 Budget by Funding Source: $78.5 Million

Parks and Recreation Program FY 2006-07 Operating Budget Chart
  • Natural Resources - 35.7% / $28.0 Million
  • Special Revenue - 12.5% / $9.8 Million
  • Federal - 0.1% / $0.1 Million
  • Environmental Trust - 2.5% / $2.0 Million
  • General - 49.1% / $38.6 Million

FY 2006-07 Parks and Recreation Program Breakdown by Activity

FY 2006-07 Parks and Recreation Program Activity Breakdown Chart
  • Parks Operations - 91.1% / $67.8 Million
  • Resources and Interpretive Services - 3.5% / $2.6 Million
  • Park Development - 5.4% / $4.1 Million
Parks operations activity provides recreation and support services to state park guests, state park strategic planning, hardware and software for all state park computerized functions, marketing plans, maintenance of equipment, local governments contacts, budget management, law enforcement, and high quality products and gifts for sale. Resource and interpretive service activities provide direction, and technical expertise in protecting, restoring, and managing the natural and cultural resources on 220,000 acres within state park and recreation areas. It connects people with outdoors and provides conservation education for parks visitors, communities and schools. Park development activity is responsible for designing and building state park structures and facilities, maintaining facilities and keeping record of all activities.

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