The Game and Fish Fund is made up of the following accounts:
- Game and Fish Operations
- Game and Fish dedicated accounts (Deer and Bear Management, Deer Habitat Improvement, Waterfowl Habitat Improvement, Trout and Salmon Management, Pheasant Habitat Improvement, Wildlife Acquisition Surcharge, Wild Turkey Management)
- Heritage Enhancement (Lottery in-lieu of sales tax)
- Lifetime License Trust Fund
The DNR will deposit an estimated $155.8 million to the Game and Fish Fund for FY 2006-07. Receipts come from hunting and fishing licenses; stamps and permits; wildlife surcharges; license application and issuing fees; timber sales on wildlife conservation lands; and interest earnings. Also included in this total are $36.9 million from federal sport fish and wildlife restoration programs.$20.7 million for the two years will be deposited to the Heritage Enhancement account from in-lieu-of-sales tax on lottery tickets.Expenditures:
Expenditures from the Game and Fish Operations account are to manage, monitor and protect fish and wildlife resources; enforce game and fish laws; provide access to lakes, rivers and streams; and deliver administrative support across those programs.Authorized expenditures from the Game and Fish dedicated accounts are for programs and purposes directly related to how revenues are generated. For example, funds in the Trout and Salmon Management account are spent on species research, habitat improvement and trout and salmon stocking.Expenditures from the Heritage Enhancement account are to improve, enhance or protect fish and wildlife resources. The budget plan for this account includes spending by Forestry, Fisheries, Wildlife, Ecological Resources, and Enforcement.Next: Natural Resources Fund