
The enforcement division ensures compliance with laws regarding state game and fish, recreational vehicles, natural resource commercial operations, environmental protection, and public safety. Major responsibilities include enforcement of rules and regulations related to hunting and fishing seasons, methods of taking fish and wildlife, and daily harvest and possession limits. The division works to ensure public safety, especially as it related to the handling of firearms by hunters the safe operation of boats and other recreation vehicles. The division also enforces the law on the commercial use and possession of natural resources, the protection of wetlands, and air and water quality regulations. For more information on the division of Enforcement please visit: https://www.dnr.state.mn.us/enforcement/index.html.

FY 2006-07 Budget by Funding Source: $59.4 Million

Enforcement FY 2006-07 Operating Budget Chart
  • Natural Resources - 23.7% $14.1 Million
  • Special Revenue - 0.4% / $0.2 Million
  • Environmental Trust - 0.5% / $0.3 Million
  • General - 10.5% / $6.2 Million
  • Game & Fish - 62.8% / $37.3 Million

FY2006-07 Enforcement Program Breakdown by Activity

Enforcement FY 2006-07 Operating Budget Chart
  • Game and Fish Protection - 65.1% / $38.7 Million
  • Recreation Enforcement - 14.5% / $8.6 Million
  • Water Recreation - 10.8% / $6.4 Million
  • Safety Training - 9.6% / $5.7 Million
Game and Fish protection activity is directed at the protection of fisheries stocks while assuring ample harvest or recreational opportunities and to protect small game, migratory waterfowl, and big game populations from unlawful harvest so that overall populations are sustainable in spite of hunting mortality, natural mortality, and environmental factors that may limit wildlife populations. Recreational enforcement activity enforces land-operated recreational vehicles including snowmobiles, ATV's, OHM's and ORV's laws and non-motorized enforcement services at state parks, state forests, and state recreational trails. Water recreation activity is responsible for Boat and water safety enforcement and public access enforcement. Through a grant program, the DNR enlists law enforcement support from local Sheriff's Departments throughout the state. Safety training activity is responsible for introductory level safety training for youth and adults for firearms, ATV's, OHM, ORV, snowmobiles, and advanced hunter education.

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