Buy a license
500 Lafayette Road
St. Paul, MN 55155-4026Hours: M-F 8:00-4:30General information
(651) 296-6157 or (888) 646-6367Watercraft, Recreational motor vehicle and snowmobile registrations
(651) 296-2316 or (800) 285-2000License sales data
Information & downloads
Read this important notice before buying an electronic license:
Changes to buying a combination license
Both you and your spouse must be present to purchase a combination license in person. Both spouses also must provide and verify their customer records. This applies to online, telephone and in-person license purchases. Learn what to do.
Collection of Private Data
Your name, addresses, date of birth, and driver’s license number collected under Minnesota Statutes, section 97A to complete a Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR) electronic licensing transaction are classified as private data under Minnesota Statutes, section 84.0874. You can refuse to provide this information, but without it, DNR cannot issue a license, pass, sticker, registration, or other electronic license transaction. The private data may be released to law enforcement, individuals whose work assignment requires access, and persons authorized by state or federal law or pursuant to a court order, or by your written consent. In addition, private data, other than your driver’s license number, may also be released to a government entity and for natural resource management purposes, including recruitment, retention, and training certification and verification.More information about access to ELS data »Collection of Social Security Numbers
Federal and state laws require the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR) to collect your Social Security Number (SSN) when purchasing a DNR game and fish license. The federal law is Title IV-D of the Social Security Act, U.S.C., Title 42, section 666(a) 13. The state law is Minnesota Statutes, section 97A.482. Your SSN is private data under the Federal Privacy Act, 1974 and Minnesota Statutes, section 13.355. If you apply for a DNR license or registration and you do not have a SSN you must give us a certification that you do not have a SSN. If you do not give us your SSN or a certification, DNR cannot issue your license. The DNR is required to provide your SSN or certification to the Minnesota Department of Human Services for child support enforcement purposes. Others who may have access to your SSN include individuals whose work assignment require access and persons authorized by state or federal law or pursuant to a court order, or by your written consent.More about collecting SSN information »Contact information
License Center500 Lafayette Road
St. Paul, MN 55155-4026Hours: M-F 8:00-4:30General information
(651) 296-6157 or (888) 646-6367Watercraft, Recreational motor vehicle and snowmobile registrations
(651) 296-2316 or (800) 285-2000License sales data
Information & downloads
Online sales
- Purchase fishing licenses, hunting licenses, trap licenses, stamps, wild rice harvest permits, and trail passes
- Allow five to 10 business days for license tags, permits and passes to arrive via U.S. postal mail
- Renew ATV, OHM, ORV, snowmobile, and boat registrations
- Purchase and/or print firearm, snowmobile, and ATV safety certifications
- Register your deer, turkey, or bear