Water Resources

The Division of waters maintains the physical integrity of Minnesota’s wetlands, lakes, rivers and ground water resources. The division works with local units of governments and the public to measure rainfall, lake levels, stream flow, and ground water levels; and also gathers and interprets water resources data to describe how human activities impact the hydrologic system and how negative impacts can be mitigated. The division regulates over 21,000 public waters basins and 69,200 miles of rivers and streams. For more information on the DNR division of Waters, please visit: https://www.dnr.state.mn.us/waters/index.html.

Water Resources
FY 2006-07 Budget by Funding Source: $26.5 Million

Waters: FY 2006-2007 Operating Budget Chart
  • General - 81.5% / $21.6 Million
  • Natural Resources - 2.1% / $0.6 Million
  • Special Revenue - 0.9% / $0.2 Million
  • Federal - 15.5% / $4.1 Million

FY 2006-07 Water Resources Program Breakdown by Activity

Waters: FY 2006-2007 Operating Budget Chart

  • Public Waters Protection - 51.3% / $13.6 Million
  • Water Supply Management - 16.2% / $4.3 Million
  • Technical Services - 32.5% / $8.6 Million
Public waters protection is responsible for regulating activities that protect, enhance and restore the state’s waters and watersheds, regulates filling, excavating, water level controls, bridges, and shore protection. Water supply management is responsible for balancing water demands and resource sustainability. Technical Services is responsible for ground water studies, gauging data to support analysis and decisions, county ground water mapping, and technical surface water studies to resolve lake level or flooding issues.

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