Diversity abounds
Minnesota's streams, rivers, lakes and ponds provide a home for 162 species of fish, 141 of them native. Below is a sampling of the most popular and well-known fishes Minnesota has to offer.
- Bass
- Bigmouth buffalo
- Bowfin (Dogfish)
- Burbot (Eelpout)
- Catfish
- Cisco/Tullibe/Herring
- Crappie
- Freshwater drum (Sheepshead)
- Lake sturgeon
- Long-nose gar
- Muskellunge
- Northern pike
- Salmon
- Sauger
- Sunfish
- Trout
- Walleye
- White sucker
- Yellow perch
Like our picture or want to know more?
- Download your own copy of our two-sided Fishes of Minnesota poster.
- Identification guide for common fish families.
- View the illustrated fish of Minnesota guide in the fishing regulations booklet.
- Review our lesson plan on Minnesota fish families.
- Take a look at the biggest fishes caught in Minnesota.