The fire danger and burning restrictions maps are updated daily. Click on either map for up-to-date, county-specific information.
The fire danger and burning restrictions map automatically refreshes every 5 minutes.
Fire Danger
- Map
When using the downloadable fire danger map, note the date stamp on the map.
downloadable map- Table
Foresty Area Fire Danger Rating - About
The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources produces and updates the statewide fire danger map daily.
The statewide fire danger map is a tool providing a relative measure of burning conditions and wildfire growth potential. The rating takes into account current and preceding weather, fuel types (grasses, brush, timber, and slash), and live and dead fuel moisture.
Burning Restrictions
- Map
*Elevated Burning Restrictions – No open burning and additional restrictions as needed based on fire danger.
When using the downloadable burning restrictions map, note the date stamp on the map.
downloadable map- Table
County Burning Restriction - About
The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources produces and updates the burning restrictions map daily.
The current burning restrictions map shows where you must have a permit to burn debris like small amounts of dry leaves and brush. Burning permits and restrictions may vary by administrative areas that usually follow county boundaries. Visit burning permit information to apply for a burning permit online and frequently asked questions.