Spring Burning Restrictions
As of March 24, at 6:00 a.m. spring burning restrictions are in effect in Anoka, Benton, Chisago, Hennepin, Isanti, Kanabec, Mille Lacs, Morrison, Pine, Ramsey, Sherburne, Stearns, Todd, Washington, and Wright counties.

Spring Wildfire Risk
After the snow melts and before vegetation greens up can be a dangerous time for wildfire in Minnesota. Conditions change quickly, check statewide fire danger & burning restrictions for updated info.

Campfire safety
Whether you're in a state forest or in your backyard, campfires should be constructed with 3 feet or less in diameter and not more than 3 feet in height. Learn how to build and extinguish a campfire.

Make your home Firewise
Brush, grass, or forest fires don't have to be disasters. Firewise principles can save lives and property from wildfire. Learn more about how you can protect your property

Minnesota Incident Command System
MNICS is an interagency group that coordinates active fire situations in Minnesota.
Learn more about MNICS.