Crystal Lake


This lake is located in Burnsville just east of I-35 south of Crystal Lake Road.

Species Present:

Northern Pike: above average abundance, smaller than average size.
Largemouth Bass: above average abundance, average size.
Bluegill: above average abundance, below average size.
Crappie: average abundance, below average size, but some large individuals present.
Hybrid Muskie: low abundance, average size.
Bullhead species: above average abundance, average size.
Yellow Perch: above average abundance, small average size.

Boat Access:

The City owned access to this lake is located at the west end of the lake. Travel east of I-35 on Crystal Lake Road.

Shore Fishing:

There is a fishing pier on this lake located on the north shore about the middle of the lake. Travel east of the boat access to the end of Crystal Lake Circle.

Anglers also fish from shore off the west shore of the lake. Turn south off Crystal Lake Road on Maple Island Road, the east frontage road to I-35. Fishing in this area is hampered by overhanging trees and aquatic vegetation.

Additional public shoreline is available for angling on the east end of the lake, adjacent to the city beach.

Management Plans:

  1. Fisheries standard lake survey in 2023.
  2. Stock 288 hybrid muskie (Tiger Muskie) in even numbered years.

Aquatic Invasive Species Alert:

This lake contains Eurasian watermilfoil. Remove all visible plant material from your boat, trailer and other boating equipment before leaving the lake.


Crystal is a bass-panfish lake. Bass fishing is good, with average size fish and an occasional trophy. Sunfish are very abundant, but small. Tiger muskie are stocked in the lake, but few of legal size are caught by anglers. Fishing can be limited by conflicts with recreational boaters and abundant aquatic vegetation.

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