Underground Mines
Shapefile: Underground_Mines_py
Data displayed in the interactive map layers Drifts and Extents was derived from this shapefile.Underground Properties
Shapefile: Ug_properties_py
Data displayed in the interactive map as the layer Underground Parcels was derived from this shapefile and Ug_parcels_pyUnderground Parcels
Shapefile: Ug_parcels_py
Data displayed in the interactive map as the layer Underground Parcels was derived from this shapefile and Ug_properties_pyShafts
Shapefile: Shafts_pt
Data displayed in the interactive map as the layer Mine Shafts was derived from this shapefile.Iron Formation
Shapefile: MGS_IronFm_m163
Data displayed in the interactive map as the layer Iron Formation was derived from this shapefile.Surface Contours
Shapefile: mesab10_04
Data displayed in the interactive map as the layer Surface Contours was derived from this shapefile.Shapefiles are available by emailing Ted Anderson.
Shapefile: Underground_Mines_py
Data displayed in the interactive map layers Drifts and Extents was derived from this shapefile.Underground Properties
Shapefile: Ug_properties_py
Data displayed in the interactive map as the layer Underground Parcels was derived from this shapefile and Ug_parcels_pyUnderground Parcels
Shapefile: Ug_parcels_py
Data displayed in the interactive map as the layer Underground Parcels was derived from this shapefile and Ug_properties_pyShafts
Shapefile: Shafts_pt
Data displayed in the interactive map as the layer Mine Shafts was derived from this shapefile.Iron Formation
Shapefile: MGS_IronFm_m163
Data displayed in the interactive map as the layer Iron Formation was derived from this shapefile.Surface Contours
Shapefile: mesab10_04
Data displayed in the interactive map as the layer Surface Contours was derived from this shapefile.Shapefiles are available by emailing Ted Anderson.