DNR Report 350: 2001; Stockpile Ownership, Composition, and Use for Two Study Areas Located near Virginia and Calumet, Minnesota

Executive Summary extracted from page i of report 350, 2001:

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This report summarizes the results of a data collection project focused on stockpile ownership, material composition, and material use for two study areas located near Virginia and Calumet,Minnesota. The information collected may be used to determine the suitability of stockpile materials for future use. Funding for the project was from the Legislative Commission on Minnesota Resources. The project was conducted by the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, Lands and Minerals Division.

Surface and mineral ownership research was completed for 2,839.32 acres in the Virginia study area. A total of 4,067.02 acres were researched in the Calumet study area, with an additional 2,498.99 acres, which were previously researched, checked for ownership changes. Stockpile ownership was determined for a majority of the stockpiles located within the study areas, however, many stockpiles still have undetermined ownership. 

A total of 232 stockpiles were inventoried in the two study areas. The stockpile inventory involved gathering information regarding material composition, material classification, sample analysis, and volume estimation. Material was classified into ten material types based upon geology and iron content. The footprint of each stockpile was digitized to capture the location of the stockpile.

Eighty-two samples were collected from stockpiles. The samples were tested for aggregate and iron ore. Aggregate tests included: specific gravity, absorption, soundness, and gradations. The test results were compared to the Minnesota Department of Transportation specifications for general aggregate use. Iron ore testing was comprised of chemical assays of the eight most common oxides.

A relational database was designed to store the information gathered for this project. This is the first known attempt to model and develop a database which would accommodate the complexities of stockpiles and ownership on the Mesabi Iron Range. The database consists of over 30 related tables and forms for browsing the information.

Vegetation covers on the stockpiles were determined through aerial photography interpretation and field checked during the fall of 2000. The current transportation infrastructure, which includes major roads and railroads, and private mining roads and old railroads, was mapped during the summer of 2000.

The stockpiles were examined for use in the aggregate industry and the iron mining industry. Generalizations can be made about each material type based upon qualitative and quantitative data. The material type with the highest potential for aggregate use was glacial overburden. Cretaceous ore and natural ore fine tailings have a high potential for iron.

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Report 350: Stockpile Ownership, Composition, and Use for Two Study Areas Located near Virginia and Calumet, Minnesota
(79 pages, 8.5 x 11 inches, 2.90 MB) 
Author: MN DNR, Lands and Minerals Division

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Plate 1: Ownership, Calumet Study Area
(48 x 36 inches, full size, 477 KB ) 
Author: MN DNR, Lands and Minerals Division 

Plate 2: Ownership, Virginia Study Area
(48 x 36 inches, full size, 247 KB) 
Author: MN DNR, Lands and Minerals Division 

Plate 3: Material Type, Vegetation, and Transportation, Calumet Study Area
(48 x 36 inches, full size, 5 MB) 
Author: MN DNR, Lands and Minerals Division 

Plate 4: Material Type, Vegetation, and Transportation, Virginia Study Area
(48 x 36 inches, full size, 8.2 MB) 
Author: MN DNR, Lands and Minerals Division

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A zip file containing the digital data for Project 350; database, shapefiles, metadata, and photos (zip file, 13.5 MB). 
A zip file containing the chemical assay results for Project 350 (zip file, 316 kb).

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