Much in Lake Superior has changed for the better since the 1950s – healthy fish now live throughout the basin; sea lamprey control has been effective; pollution and land use controls now are in place to improve water quality; and the number of wild lake trout have increased to a point where stocking for rehabilitation is no longer effective.
Today's major threats to Lake Superior remain unchanged from 70 years ago – too much fishing, impacts from invasive species and habitat degradation. DNR works in the lake's Minnesota waters to minimize and, when possible, eliminate these threats so the North Shore remains a Minnesota crown jewel.Status & Statistics
A Better Future
DNR updated its comprehensive guide on how to best manage Minnesota's portion of Lake Superior. The plan is written for use by both the DNR and citizens.
Strategies and actions in this plan focus on DNR work during the next decade to guide effective and efficient allocation of time and money to protect the Lake Superior fish community and provide for its sustained use.Goal & Objective Summaries
- Chapter 3: Habitat
- Chapter 4: Native Prey Fish
- Chapter 5: Non-Native Prey Fish
- Chapter 6: Lean Lake Trout
- Chapter 7: Brook Trout
- Chapter 8: Rainbow Trout
- Chapter 9: Chinook Salmon
- Chapter 10: Coho Salmon
- Chapter 11: Pink Salmon
- Chapter 12: Brown Trout
- Chapter 13: Sturgeon/Others
Additional Material
- Addendum #1: Beaver Management on Trout Streams
- Addendum #2: Supporting Data to Discontinue Steelhead Fry Stocking
- Addendum #3: Proposed Modifications to Kamloops Production Protocol and Stocking