A Climate Resilience Forum


The State of Minnesota envisions our state as carbon-neutral, resilient, and equitable. To get there, we all have a role to play, and state agencies can’t do it alone. Minnesota’s Lake Superior Coastal Program supports Minnesota coastal communities in our common efforts to be resilient. Communities, businesses, and the natural environment can prepare, respond to, and recover from the impacts of climate change. You, your organization, and your community are invited to join us to achieve a shared vision.

Stay engaged with this Forum to find inspiration, helpful resources, and share your successes and challenges with colleagues around the region.


Opportunities and funding

Workshops, training and conferences

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration – Office for Coastal Management (NOAA) provides free, devoted training curriculum for all staff working in coastal states. Visit the Digital Coast Training website  for a complete list and details. If you wish to request a NOAA training course be held in-person at your Minnesota location, please contact us and we’ll help make it happen.

Online, instructor-led

Economic Guidance for Coastal Management Professionals. NOAA’s Office for Coastal Management is leading this series of three modules provides practical introduction to economic analysis and valuation.

  • Module 1: Introduction to Economic Analyses and Valuation. This module provides an introduction to economic analysis terminology related to benefit-cost analysis, economic impact analysis, cost-effectiveness analysis, benefit valuation methods, and more. Understanding these basics will help participants identify the most appropriate approach and the data needed. Thursday, April 18, 1:00 – 2:30 p.m. (central). Register here.  
  • Module 2: Pathways to Valuing Ecosystem Services. This module provides an overview of three common paths used to estimate the value of ecosystem services: site-specific studies, benefits transfer, and tools with built-in benefits. Each path will include information on its strengths and limitations, and on relevant support tools such as BlueValue (for benefits transfer) and the FEMA Benefit-Cost Analysis Toolkit (for tools with built-in benefits). Thursday, May 2, 1:00 – 3:00 p.m. (central). Register here.
  • Module 3: Introduction to Benefit-Cost Analysis. This hands-on module provides the necessary contextual and background information to supervise a basic benefit-cost analysis. Learners will explore an applied example and practice completing steps of a benefit-cost analysis. It’s designed for anyone who (1) needs to supervise, contract, or evaluate a benefit-cost analysis or (2) better understand benefit-cost analysis tools. Thursday, May 16, 1:00 – 4:00 p.m. (central). Register here.

Funding and Financing Coastal Resilience: Spotlight on Tax Increment Financing. NOAA’s Office for Coastal Management will lead this informational presentation to show how one municipal government is using tax increment financing to restore, conserve and transform 53 acres into a public park. Learn what tax increment financing is, how it’s a tool to help finance large scale nature-based solutions, and how it’s being used in one coastal community to build resilience. April 30, 2:00 – 3:00 p.m. (central). Register here.

This training is part of an informational series focused on funding and financing options for coastal resilience projects. Check out our quick reference, "Funding and Financing: Options and Considerations for Coastal Resilience Projects." View previously recorded webinars and associated resources on other funding and financing topics.

Seven Best Practices for Risk Communication. Understanding risk is a key component for initiatives focused on helping communities prepare for and respond to weather and climate hazards. This interactive webinar introduces participants to seven best practices, numerous techniques, and examples for communicating about coastal hazards. Whether beginning a new effort or trying to keep people motivated to better prepare for future hazards, applying risk communication principles will lead to more effective results. This training focuses on improving risk communication skills for coastal hazards planning and preparedness, not crisis communication. May 9, 2:00 – 3:30 p.m. (central). Register here.


In-person, instructor-led

National Adaptation Forum, May 14-16, 2024, St. Paul, Minnesota: This is a bi-annual convening for adaptation professionals to innovate, network, and focus on established and emerging climate adaptation issues of the day. The Forum provides opportunities for professional development through training sessions, facilitated presentations and panels, and formal and informal networking sessions. More information can be found on the website: National Adaptation Forum

Online, self-guided

North Central Water Region Network’s The Current Webinar Series archive includes a recording from September 2022 webinar, Helping Communities Prepare for Extreme Weather. This webinar explores different tools and approaches to creating community resilience through hazard mitigation, natural infrastructure, and evaluating and communicating flood risk.

(April 2022): CCRUN Green Infrastructure, Climate, and Cities Seminar Series provided by Consortium for Climate Risk in the Northeast – CCRUN, A NOAA Regional Integrated Sciences and Assessments (RISA) Project. The focus of the CCRUN seminar series focuses on urban solutions to global problems associated with increasing temperature and sea level rise, precipitation variability, and greenhouse gas emissions. Topics cover a span of implications of such changes on the complex infrastructure of intensely developed landscapes, and on the health, well-being, and vulnerability of the people who live in them. Find ideas, inspiration and potential solutions in any of the multiple topics presented since 2016 in the recordings of past seminars

Minnesota Floodplain Training and Education: Department of Natural Resources Floodplain Management office hours, links to Water Talk Newsletter and recorded training courses on floodplain management matters. 

Risk Communication Essentials for More Effective Conversations: This six-minute training offers risk communication essentials for improved conversations about coastal hazards. 

Funding and Finance Coastal Resilience Webinars: This recorded webinar series builds foundational knowledge about funding and financing approaches used to support coastal resilience activities. Experts demystify this complex topic by sharing traditional and emerging approaches, project examples, and lessons learned. Four recorded webinars, 90-minutes total: The Basics, Spotlight on Environmental Impact Bonds, and Spotlight on Community Development Financial Institutions, and Building Capacity in Communities to Access Funding.

Community resources

Please explore these resources and share with community members who may benefit and use.

For everyone:

For educators:

  • Climate.gov/teaching: National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) provides extensive resources for teachers on the sciences of climate and energy, current climate data, indicator trends, ongoing resources with up-to-date questions and answers.
  • Climatelit.org is a comprehensive resource hub to help K-12 educators nurture young people’s climate literacy with children’s literature and media. Offered by the University of Minnesota Center for Climate Literacy.

For Lake Superior property owners:

  • Citizen’s Coastal Erosion Monitoring Guide: This guide, developed by Lake County Soil and Water Conservation District, is meant to empower citizens to document the process of coastal erosion along the North Shore of Lake Superior.
  • North Shore Erosion Data Viewer is a resource for identifying properties and highlighting erosion on lands of the North Shore of Lake Superior. Developed by Arrowhead Regional Development Commission and partners.
  • Lake Level Viewer for the Great Lakes: This NOAA tool uses data and maps to illustrate the scale of potential flooding or land exposure at a given water level (not exact location). They do not account for erosion, subsidence, or future construction. Water levels are shown as they would appear during calm conditions (excludes wind-driven changes in water levels). The data, maps, and information provided should be used only as a screening-level tool for management decisions. As with all remotely sensed data, all features should be verified with a site visit.
  • Plant Recommendations for Minnesota Point Homeowners (2022): The coastal sand dunes and associated plant communities (of Minnesota Point) are unique in Minnesota. The plants and animals supported in this ecosystem are well-adapted to special conditions and include several state-protected species. The native plant communities (Sand Beach, Beachgrass Dune, Juniper Dune Shrubland, and Red Pine-White Pine Woodland) are all considered rare and have been assigned the highest statewide conservation status, critically imperiled, due to their unique attributes and limited distribution in the state. Vegetation can help stabilize lands from wind and wave impacts. While not a guarantee of property protection in this dynamic location, plant establishment is an environmentally sound tool available to all. This guide includes a list of plants native to the plant communities found on the Point, which are best suited to survival in this exposed and dry sandy setting.
  • Lake Superior Property Owner Resource Guide (2021) is a 32-page guidance to help property owners minimize coastal shoreline erosion. Information about the natural processes of coastal erosion and methods to minimize coastal shoreline erosion impacts are included.
  • Visiting the house that sparked coastal land use setbacks is a story by Wisconsin Sea Grant about a tour of property on the south shore of Lake Superior in Herbster. The home on the property was moved 150’ away from the shoreline 20 years ago.

For community staff and leaders:

Stay engaged

  • Contact us to share your project, community success, or an idea that may help another community in the region.
  • Local impacts, State of Minnesota actions, and community solutions are highlighted on Our Minnesota Climate  website. Minnesota is taking action on climate change and there is a place for everyone to participate. Download Minnesota’s Climate Action Framework, review the state’s greenhouse gas emission analysis and find your place in climate action here.
  • Join CHAOS, a community of practice for sharing knowledge and resources about natural hazards that affect Lake Superior’s coastal communities. Email Sarah Brown to join the mailing list and be informed about regional coastal hazards information and resources.
  • Attend Twin Ports Climate Conversations, quarterly conversations with topics focusing on perspectives of climate change impacts, adaptation responses, and opportunities for mitigation and resilience. These conversations are made possible with partnership and collaboration. Join the conversation! Sign up to receive notice of events: Twin Ports Climate Conversations

References from the February 9, 2022 Forum

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