We're all pilgrims on the same journey-but some pilgrims have better road maps". - Nelson Demille
Coastal Program Funded Mapping Projects
- Minnesota's Lake Superior Beach Monitoring Program View local beach advisories.
- LakeSuperiorStreams.org provides real time stream data for communities, citizens, and students.
- Lake Superior Watershed Coastal Program Boundary
- St. Louis and Carlton Counties Coastal Boundary
- Lake County Coastal Boundary
- Cook County Coastal Boundary
- Subwatersheds of Minnesota's Lake Superior Basin
- Minnesota's Arrowhead Region
- North Shore Management Plan Boundary
- Recreation and Historical Sites Within the Coastal Area
- Adjacent States & Provinces
Minnesota GIS and Map Resources
- Minnesota Geospatial Commons is a collaborative place for users and publishers of geospatial resources in Minnesota.
- Minnesota's Geospatial Information Office (MnGeo)
- The Minnesota DNR's Map Page provides links to interactive maps, pdf maps, and GIS data downloads.
- Watershed Health Assessment Framework provides a comprehensive view of the ecological health of Minnesota's watersheds.
National Data and Map Resources
- Digital Coast provides access to data, tools, training and information needed by coastal resource management professionals.
- NRCS Soil Survey provides access to the USDA NRCS soil data online, and data downloads.
- StreamStats - Minnesota is a web based GIS providing analytical tools useful in water resource planning.
- Data.gov geospatial data resources portal.