Floodplain Training and Education

Here are resources to help local governments learn more about floodplain management, flood insurance and related topics.

Topics on this page:

old gray shot of lake place

Water Talk Newsletter

Periodic updates on floodplain and shoreland management for local governments. Current and past issues of Water Talk including an index for searching past issues for specific topics. Learn more »

Monthly virtual Floodplain Management office hours

Talk with FEMA and DNR Floodplain program representatives during monthly virtual Minnesota Floodplain Management Office Hours. Hours will be 10-11 a.m., typically on the fourth Thursday of the month, but may be adjusted. Contact [email protected] (link sends email) to request office hour meeting invites, or use the office hour links below.

Upcoming monthly office hours in 2025:

  • 10-11 a.m. Thursday, March 27
  • 10-11 a.m. Thursday, April 24

Attend office hours meeting »


Recorded training courses

One-day trainings were previously offered at select locations around the state during winter (January to March) and in the fall (September to November). Due to restrictions after March 2020, our trainings were transitioned to a series of one-hour virtual sessions. In 2023, one-day in-person trainings resumed. Due to the success of the virtual trainings, both virtual and in-person trainings will continue to be offered.

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Floodplain Management Basics

A discussion of roles and responsibilities at the community level for floodplain management. Highlights include: common terms, definitions, where regulations apply, finding FEMA map, regulations and providing clarity on mandatory insurance requirements. Presenter: Ceil Strauss. Watch the online training, recorded 1/6/2025.


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FEMA Map Basics

A discussion of mapping zones, finding and printing FEMA maps, types of FEMA maps in the state, and what map updates are in progress statewide. Also covers highlights of map appeals and amendments (LOMAs and LOMR-Fs). Presenters:  Ceil Strauss and Mary Presnail. Watch the online training, recorded 1/13/2025.


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Floodplain Web-Based Maps and Tools

Discover the new features on DNR’s online Lake and Flood Elevations Online (LFEO) app. Also highlights the FEMA Map Service Center site, FEMA Flood Map Changes Viewer, DNR MNTOPO viewer, and useful tips and tricks. Presenter Ceil Strauss. Watch the online training, recorded 1/27/2025.


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Floodplain Administration 101

Learn about permitting applications. Navigate your way through floodplain ordinances and understand your role and responsibilities. Learn about how to evaluate limitations on improvements and required documentation. Presenters: Garry Bennett and Ricky Hoffman. Watch the online training, recorded 1/8/2025.


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Sheds and Non-building Structures in the Floodplain

This training will explain what accessory structures are, where they can be permitted, and the requirements that must be met. The course will also cover the basics of what it means for a structure to be “walled and roofed,” what the requirements are for development that does not meet this definition, and share specific examples. Presenters: Garry Bennett and Ceil Strauss (DNR). Watch the online training, recorded 1/22/2025.



Floodplain Grading, Non-Structural Development and Accessory Structures

This training covers the basics of floodwater storage and conveyance, the impact non-structural development has on floodplain functions, and permit requirements. We also cover requirements for small buildings and accessory structures. Presenter: Ceil Strauss. Watch the online training, recorded 1/24/2024.


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Dealing with Zone As

Discover how to regulate those notorious A Zones, find base flood elevations and regulatory flood protection elevations, and share options to determine floodway versus flood-fringe. Presenters: Ceil Strauss and Jeff Weiss. Watch the online training, recorded 2/3/2025.


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New FEMA Elevation Certificate

FEMA issued a new Elevation Certificate that must be used as of Nov. 1, 2023. Learn about: when elevation certificates can be used, when they are required, who can fill out the different sections, what information is required, and some user hints. Target audience: Surveyors, local zoning/permitting officials and consultants. Presenters: Garry Bennett and Ceil Strauss. Watch the online training, recorded 10/23/2023.


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FEMA Letters of Map Change

Delve into the world of map acronyms. An in-depth walk-through of LOMAs, LOMR-Fs, LOMRs and CLOMRs. Target audience is engineers and surveyors. Presenter: Suzanne Jiwani. Watch the online training, recorded 2/14/2022.


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Floodplain Administration 201 (CUPs, floodproofing, etc.)

Have you ever wondered, “What can be allowed through conditional use permits, standards for activities allowed with CUPs, floodproofing and alternative elevation standards?” If so, please join the fun and discover the answers to these questions, as well as helpful tips for permitting and documentation for these more complicated situations. Presenter: Ceil Strauss. Watch the online training, recorded 2/10/2025.


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Floodplain and Watershed Higher Standards

Learn about innovative standards to improve flood protection and the natural and beneficial functions of floodplains. Discover what exciting examples (both within and outside of FEMA-mapped areas) are out there and why they are important to your community. Watch the online training, presented by Ceil Strauss. Recorded 3/11/2024.


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Flood Insurance Basics

This hour session will review current flood insurance basics on mandatory purchase, rates, coverage, premium rating factors and what has changed in recent years. Watch the online training, presented by Ceil Strauss (DNR) and James Sink (FEMA). Recorded 3/6/2023.


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Floodplain Violations and Enforcement

This training will cover the common types of violations, explain the community responsibilities to enforce and remedy violations of floodplain management requirements, and discuss the tools available to help resolve non-compliance. Watch the online training presented by Ceil Strauss. Recorded 3/18/2024.


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Minnesota's New State Model Floodplain Ordinance

DNR has had a state model floodplain management ordinance for decades, with a new model rolled out in early 2022 and updated November 2022, with changes, including graphics, a new font to show higher standards and optional language, and rewording to plain language. Updates also adhere closer to requirements in state law. Watch the online training, presented by Matt Bauman. Recorded 3/1/2023.


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Flood Response and Substantial Damage Determinations and Roles

This course covers the role of local floodplain administrators post disaster. We'll focus on the steps involved in doing Substantial Damage determinations, a key requirement for meeting your local floodplain management ordinance. Watch the online training, presented by Ceil Strauss. Recorded 3/27/2024.


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Post-Disaster Recovery: Process and Resources

This training is intended as a high-level review of post-disaster recovery to make stakeholders aware of the process, terminology, and resources available for getting assistance after a disaster. Topics include state and federal declaration process, operation coordination between state and FEMA, FEMA Individual Assistance (IA) and Public Assistance (PA), FEMA section 404 Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP), FEMA section 406 Public Assistance Mitigation, and flood insurance & Increased Cost of Compliance (ICC). Watch the online training presented by Ceil Strauss and Brian Killen, FEMA Region 5 Federal Flood Risk Management Standard (FFRMS) Coordinator. Recorded 4/8/2024


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Federal and State Grants to Reduce Flood Risk

What federal and state grant opportunities are available for reducing flood risk? Flood reduction grant programs provide funding for pre- and post-disaster mitigation. Join us as we discuss the various grant opportunities available, eligible projects, who to contact with questions, and how to apply. This training covers federal grants, such as BRIC, FMA, Swift Current, and HMGP, as well as Minnesota’s state Flood Hazard Mitigation grants. Watch the online training, presented by: Matt Bauman (DNR), Kristy Dellwo (HSEM), Meghan Cuneo (FEMA), Sarah Stucky (FEMA), and Andrew Weeldreyer (FEMA) Recorded 9/23/2024.


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SSTS Regulations in Floodplain and Shoreland Districts

This training covers the basics of related floodplain regulations and how to find and use floodplain maps and data for onsite septic systems. Topics include state and federal floodplain regulations involving Subsurface Sewage Treatment Systems (44 CFR 60.3(a) and Minnesota Rules 6120 and 7080), how to find FEMA floodplain maps and floodplain zones, and finding the 10% (10-year) flood elevation. Watch the online training presented by Ceil Strauss. Recorded 3/25/2024.


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Hydrology and Hydraulics for Non-Engineers

Would you like to better understand what the “H & H” is that the engineers are talking about? This hour session will explain the difference between hydrology and hydraulics, discuss methods and models used for each, as well as assumptions and uses for some of the common models. Watch the online training presented by Ceil Strauss and Anne Toftegaard. Recorded 3/13/2023.


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Better Culverts and Crossings

This training examines the link between river channels and floodplains, and share design approaches that enable the designer to establish better channel stability, fish passage, and floodplain connectivity (through the roadway), while improving structure longevity by properly sizing and placing floodplain culverts and bridges. Presenter: Salam Murtada. Watch the online training, recorded 1/29/2024.


Other DNR Shoreland and Floodplain related one-hour virtual training recordings:

For more information about the posted trainings, upcoming trainings, or scheduling custom floodplain topic trainings, please contact [email protected] or:


Minnesota Association of Floodplain Managers (MnAFPM) annual conference

The 2025 conference will be Nov. 12-14, 2025 in St. Cloud. Details are forthcoming. Information on past and future conferences is available on the Minnesota Association of Floodplain Managers website.

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