What is Nonpoint Pollution?
Nonpoint pollution is also known as polluted runoff or stormwater pollution. It refers to the pollution that comes from many small sources throughout a watershed. Nonpoint pollution occurs when soil particles, nutrients, bacteria or chemicals are washed off the land and into waterways by rain or melting snow.Many different land uses contribute to nonpoint pollution, including roads, parking lots, lawns, farm fields, logging operations and failing septic systems. Each small pollution source may not seem important, but together they add up to the leading cause of water quality problems today.How do we implement the Coastal Nonpoint Program in Minnesota?
Minnesota’s Coastal Nonpoint Program is a partnership and is administered through Minnesota’s Lake Superior Coastal Program (facilitated by the Minnesota DNR) and the Lake Superior Basin Plan (facilitated by the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency). The Coastal Nonpoint Program is being developed jointly by both agencies, in cooperation with numerous public and private partners.Program Documents
Final Approval Document (8 pages, 65kb)
Conditional Approval Responses (83 pages, 2.2mb)
Minnesota's Lake Superior Coastal Nonpoint Pollution Control Program (83 pages, 2.3mb)
Background Materials
NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) Coastal Nonpoint Pollution Program.
EPA (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency) coastal nonpoint pollution page.
Contact Information
Coastal Program Manager:Amber Westerbur
1568 Hwy 2
Two Harbors, MN 55616