Coastal Enhancement Program

Section 309 of the Coastal Zone Management Act established the Coastal Zone Enhancement Program to provide incentives to states and territories to periodically assess and address the following nine (9) potentially significant areas:

  1. Wetland protection
  2. Coastal hazards
  3. Cumulative and secondary impacts of development
  4. Public access to the coast
  5. Special area management planning
  6. Marine (lake) debris
  7. Ocean (lake) resources
  8. Energy and government facility siting
  9. Aquaculture
In consultation with NOAA's Office for Coastal Management (OCM) , Minnesota's Lake Superior Coastal Program (MLSCP) will conduct an assessment of coastal management activities to identify high-priority enhancement areas every five years. Minnesota has developed its second five-year strategy to enhance its coastal management programs within these high-priority areas.

MLSCP CZMA Section 309 Assessment and Strategies

Assessment and Strategies 2011-2015 75 pages, 881 kb

Previous program enhancement documents
Assessment and Strategies 2006 - 2010 59 pages, 328 kb
Assessment and Strategies 2001- 2005 66 pages, 248 kb

NOAA's Office for Coastal Management (OCM) Links

Public questions or comments are welcome at any time.

Contact Clinton Little for details:
Telephone: 218-834-1446
Mail: Minnesota's Lake Superior Coastal Program, DNR Waters, 1568 Hwy. 2 Two Harbors, MN 55616

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