Erica Hoaglund - Nongame Wildlife Specialist
Email: [email protected] Amod Zambre - Nongame Wildlife Specialist
Email: [email protected] Info Center
Phone: 651-296-6157 or 888-MINNDNR (646-6367)
Email: [email protected]
Email: [email protected] Amod Zambre - Nongame Wildlife Specialist
Email: [email protected] Info Center
Phone: 651-296-6157 or 888-MINNDNR (646-6367)
Email: [email protected]
Large concentrations of tundra swans migrate through the region in the fall. Other bird species in the region include red-headed woodpeckers, loggerhead shrikes, peregrine falcons, bald eagles and trumpeter swans. The metro area hosts rare mice, unique beetles, and remains home to the rusty-patched bumble bee. Amphibians and reptiles like Blanchard’s cricket frogs, wood turtles, Blanding’s turtle, timber rattlesnakes, and gopher snakes are also present in the region.Work
Nongame staff focuses on helping urban areas protect and understand their wildlife resources, connecting Minnesota’s diverse citizens and visitors with the outdoors, study and monitor the region’s rare species, and protecting our wildlife heritage for generations to come. This area is also where our EagleCam and FalconCam are located!Staff also monitors several state-listed species, like the timber rattlesnake, Blanding’s turtle, wood turtle, and Leonard’s skippers. On both public and private land, habitat management is a component of the Nongame Program’s work. Activities such as prescribed fire, grazing, invasives control and cedar/brush removal help maintain or enhance bluff prairie, oak savanna and oak woodland habitat for Species in Greatest Conservation Need. Staff have also completed projects with peregrine falcons and trumpeter swans.Projects in the Central Region
Current projects- MN Cricket Frog Community Science Survey
- Red-shouldered Hawk Project
- Four-toed Salamander Project
- Hognose Snake and Bullsnake Monitoring
- Leonard’s Skipper Monitoring
- Timber Rattlesnake Survey
- Wood Turtle Survey
- Blanding’s Turtle Survey
- Anoka Sand Plain Hognose and Bullsnake Survey
- Plains Pocket Mouse Trapping Survey
- Sand Dunes Vegetation Survey
- Anoka Sand Plain Shrike Survey
- Anoka Sand Plain Species of Greatest Conservation Need Bird Survey