In 1994, a spirited male peregrine named Sota hatched in a nest box atop the Mayo Clinic in Rochester. The falcon fledged that summer before reappearing four years later in downtown St. Paul at the North Central Life Tower, where he was nesting with a female known as Meg. When ornithologist Harrison "Bud" Tordoff confirmed the falcon's identity by reading his band number via a spotting scope, he noticed Sota had two toes on each foot that appeared to be half frostbitten off."For a predatory bird such as a peregrine, this injury could be fatal. Not for Sota!" says falconer Jackie Fallon, who had helped Tordoff band the bird. "He not only had the skill required to catch enough food for himself, but also enough to feed the female and chicks for about six weeks."Sota successfully nested for 15 years, producing 35 young, and lived until the ripe old age of nearly 19. He stayed in Minnesota every winter rather than migrating. Fallon has banded all of his offspring."Sota was an inspiration to many of us over the years," says Fallon, who is the vice president of field operations and co-coordinator for Minnesota peregrines at the Midwest Peregrine Society. "He will always remind me that I can overcome any challenge that life may throw my way."The falcon lives on today as a symbol for the success of the state's decades-long peregrine restoration program—a multi-partner effort that has returned the raptors to many of their historic cliffside nesting sites, as well as new urban sites on human-made cliff-like structures such as high-rises and power plant stacks. Now it's possible to see the fastest bird in the world in northeastern and southeastern Minnesota and even in the urban areas of Minneapolis, St. Paul, Duluth, and Rochester.But its comeback was never guaranteed. The restoration launched in fits and starts, and required the efforts of a group of passionate falcon experts. This is their story.
Shot, Demonized, and Poisoned
The peregrine falcon is a legendary, almost mythical bird. It becomes an avian missile in flight, perfectly designed to strike prey at speeds up to 242 miles per hour.The scientific name, Falco peregrinus, means "sickle-shaped wanderer." Among the most widely distributed birds in the world, peregrines are found on all continents except Antarctica. Nineteen different subspecies are found around the globe, three of them in North America. The peregrine also became an avian hunting companion for humans more than 4,000 years ago through the sport of falconry, which continues to this day.Until the early 1900s, there had been about 400 pairs of peregrines nesting in the United States east of the Rocky Mountains, including roughly 40 pairs in the Upper Midwest. Most early records for nesting peregrines came from University of Minnesota Bell Museum director and ornithologist Walter Breckenridge and brothers Dana and John Struthers of Minneapolis, avid falconers who located peregrine nests, or aeries, on cliff sites.In the 1900s, though, peregrine populations became threatened by a host of human activities. Their eggs were taken from nests by collectors. The birds were shot by waterfowl hunters, by homing pigeon fanciers, and by shooters who targeted them at fall migratory passage sites such as Duluth's Hawk Ridge. In 1929, the Minnesota Legislature even removed legal protections from eagles, hawks, owls, and falcons, declaring them "outlaw birds" before eventually restoring the protections in 1948.The biggest blow to peregrines, though, came from the pesticide DDT, which was used to control agricultural and forest pests after World War II. DDT impaired the calcium metabolism of raptors including peregrines, thinning their eggshells so much that the eggs were often crushed under the weight of the incubating parents. By 1965, peregrines were extirpated all the way from Minnesota to the Atlantic coast.Science, law, and public opinion all came to the aid of peregrines. Rachel Carson's book Silent Spring, published in 1962, aroused widespread concern for the peregrine and other raptors and songbirds. The federal government listed peregrines as an endangered species in 1969 and banned DDT in 1972. By then, biologists and falconers had begun to explore ways to bring back peregrine populations devastated by DDT.Falcon Hackers
In the late 1960s, falconers began to develop methods of successful captive breeding for large falcons such as peregrines. Tom Cade of Cornell University and The Peregrine Fund further advanced these techniques, propagating peregrines in captivity by artificially inseminating falcons donated by falconers. In 1974, The Peregrine Fund began releasing some of these captive-reared peregrines at historic peregrine aeries in the East using a falconry practice called hacking.In hacking, chicks are hatched in captivity and then placed in large nest boxes overlooking favorable peregrine habitats. They are fed and cared for remotely by human attendants. At around 40 days of age, the chicks are allowed to fly free. This method of gradual release allows the birds to adjust to life in the wild.Inspired by the success of these early falcon releases on the East Coast, in 1976 and 1977, Tordoff, then a University of Minnesota professor, released eight peregrine falcons provided by Cornell at historic Wisconsin aeries along the Mississippi River. However, predation and other problems ended in the deaths of some chicks and the return of the others to Cornell. Restoration would have to wait a few years for new developments.In 1981, Tordoff and fellow U professor Pat Redig began discussing new strategies for reintroducing peregrines in Minnesota. Pat and Bud were the perfect team for this process. They had an infectious passion for peregrines that quickly spread among fellow raptor enthusiasts, including me, then supervisor of the Nongame Wildlife Program at the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources.Redig was director of The Raptor Center at the University of Minnesota, an international expert on medical care of raptors, a professor of avian physiology, medical director of the North American Falconers Association, a member of the California Condor recovery team, and a falconer.Tordoff was now director of the Bell Museum of Natural History at the University of Minnesota. He had studied ornithology at Cornell University and received master's and doctoral degrees at the University of Michigan. In the middle of his college education, he joined the Air Force from 1942 to 1945 and became an ace World War II fighter pilot.One day, while returning from a mission in Germany, Tordoff spotted two German Messerschmitts below him. He dove vertically about 8,000 feet at more than 400 miles per hour like a peregrine diving on its prey, then pulled in behind one of the jets and opened fire, shooting it down. He later said his experience as a fighter pilot was as close as a human could get to being a peregrine. That personal connection inspired him to see the peregrine returned to the skies from which it had disappeared.At the time, the Nongame Wildlife Program had a statewide budget of only $25,000 per year. In 1980 Minnesota created a Nongame Wildlife Checkoff on state tax forms so citizens could make voluntary donations to help nongame wildlife species. Citizens began donating in 1981, and in 1982 the program's budget grew to over $500,000. The peregrine falcon was a high priority nongame wildlife species at the time. When I realized the potential impact of the checkoff donations, I called Redig and Tordoff and exclaimed, "We've got money! We can resume reintroducing peregrines!"We began planning the peregrine falcon restoration project in earnest with partners including The Nature Conservancy, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, the U.S. Forest Service, the Raptor Resource Project, and the Minnesota Falconers Association. More than 40 falconers-turned-falcon-breeders throughout the United States and Canada agreed to provide us with young falcons for release. Restoring peregrines in the Upper Midwest was begun in earnest, and with full community support from across the region.Article continues below sidebar