DNR FalconCam


This falcon camera is brought to you by the DNR Nongame Wildlife Program, which has fostered the future of Minnesota’s rare and vulnerable wildlife for over 40 years. The program is largely supported by donations from people like you.

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Welcome to the DNR FalconCam!

Peregrine falcons can be spotted at this nest box in downtown Saint Paul throughout the year. They are most active beginning in March with the start of the breeding season. 

This site is highly desirable for the falcons because it provides a clear view of the Mississippi River. Peregrine falcons feed almost exclusively on birds, so this river corridor provides them with easy hunting, particularly during migration as birds journey along the Mississippi Flyway. 

2024 season recap

The two adult falcons that used the nest box were identified by the Midwest Peregrine Society as an 11-year-old female, the same one who has nested in this box since 2016, and a 15-year-old male. This male, banded as a chick in Indiana, was a new partner for the female.  

Four eggs were laid and three chicks hatched. The parents began their brooding duties, but one chick struggled to compete with their more developed siblings during feedings and unfortunately perished.

The other two chicks thrived and both were identified as male by the Midwest Peregrine Society (MPS) when they banded them. The older chick’s band numbers are 1947-56893 and W12, and the younger chick’s band numbers are 1947-56892 and W13.

The chicks successfully fledged in early July.

Notes: This is live video of wild birds in the natural process of raising their young. Life and death struggles occur all the time in the natural world. DNR staff will monitor this camera and will evaluate incidents as they occur, but we do not plan or condone, any interference with this nest or its occupants.

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About the DNR FalconCam

The DNR Nongame Wildlife Program streams video of peregrine falcons nesting on the top of the Bremer Bank Building in downtown St. Paul. With the help of the Town Square merchants and the Midwest Peregrine Society, the Nongame Wildlife Program is able to provide this unique opportunity to watch peregrines raise their young in an urban setting.

In 1987, a nest box was placed on the east side of the building and was first used by a pair of falcons in 1988. Several pairs of falcons have chosen this site as their home, producing 65 chicks through 2012. Several pairs have nested in the box and the current female has occupied since 2016.

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The DNR Nongame Wildlife Program thanks its partners in this webcam adventure: The Midwest Peregrine Society, Sentinel Properties and the Town Square building tenants.

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