A proactive approach to threatened and endangered species conservation

Minnesota's SWG Investments
Minnesota receives about $1 million annually in State Wildlife Grant funds, which leverage other funds for match. These funds are invested in projects that support the goals and objectives found in MN Wildlife Action Plan 2015. Since the inception of the State Wildlife Grant Program, Minnesota has received over $18 million which has supported over 60 projects throughout the state that address a few of the many unmet needs associated with Species in Greatest Conservation Need (SGCN). SGCN need are defined as native animals, nongame and game, whose populations are rare, declining, or vulnerable to decline and are below levels desirable to ensure their long-term health and stability. Also included are species for which Minnesota has a stewardship responsibility. Stewardship species are those species for which populations in Minnesota represent a significant portion of their North American breeding, migrating, or wintering population, or species whose Minnesota populations are stable, but whose populations outside of Minnesota have declined or are declining in a substantial part of their range.SWG conservation investments past and present:

- MN Wildlife Action Plan 5-year Report (6mb)
- 2016 Congressional handout (8mb, formatted at 11" X 17")
- 2015 Congressional handout (8 mb, formatted to 11" X 17")
- SWG project summaries through 2010
For more information, contactAlison Cariveau,
State Wildlife Grants Coordinator,
[email protected].