Lake water level report

West Battle - 56023900
Otter Tail County

Water Level Data

Period of record: 02/13/1935 to 10/11/2024
# of readings: 1773
Highest recorded: 1334.92 ft (06/29/2001)
Lowest recorded: 1326.74 ft (04/05/1937)
Recorded range: 8.18 ft
Last reading: 1332.16 ft (10/11/2024)
Ordinary High Water Level (OHW) elevation: 1333.65 ft
Datum: MSL 1912 (ft)

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Last 10 years of data, click to enlarge.


Elevation: 1337.89 ftDatum: MSL 1912 (ft)
Date Set: 08/26/2015Location: T133R39S33
Description: Found 2024. Top centerline of steel crossbeam or headwall on west or downstream side of Co. Rd. 5 bridge/culvert crossing over East Battle Lake Outlet. [Note: Elevation checked at 1337.89 as per 8/26/15 GPS survey. Previous elevation = 1337.99.] Surveyed within 0.01 on 10/16/24.
Elevation: 1334.88 ftDatum: MSL 1912 (ft)
Date Set: 08/18/1994Location: T133R39S33
Description: Found 2024. Southeast corner of west abutment (upstream right end of left abutment) of East Battle outlet dam. Resurveyed 10/16/24 and reverted from 8/18/94 elevation of 1334.99 to original 10/23/63 LRJ elevation of 1334.88 based on comparisons with other BM elevations at the outlet dam.
Elevation: 1333.67 ftDatum: MSL 1912 (ft)
Date Set: 07/12/1948Location: T133R39S33
Description: Found 2024. Top northeast corner of west abutment (right downstream end) at East Battle Lake dam. Resurveyed 10/16/24. [Note: Previous elevation 1333.71, checked at 1333.71 as per 8/26/15 GPS survey.]
Elevation: 1334.9 ftDatum: MSL 1912 (ft)
Date Set: 07/25/1938Location: T133R39S33
Description: Found 2024. Top southwest corner of east abutment on remaining brass plug at former brass disk location at East Battle outlet dam. Resurveyed 10/16/24. Disk is gone and brass plug remains. Previous description: Found 1963. State Conservation Dept. brass disk top at Right (east) upstream abutment of East Battle Lake dam. Stamped plate on dam. [Note: previous elevation 1334.94.]
Elevation: 1336.79 ftDatum: MSL 1912 (ft)
Date Set: 08/10/1966Location: T133R40S25
Description: Top centerline downstream concrete headwall of the CSAH 16 bridge over West Battle Lake outlet channel.
Elevation: 1338.2 ftDatum: MSL 1912 (ft)
Date Set: 04/22/1986Location: T133R40S34
Description: Found 2015 for use only with prior permission from owner. Top (at the centerline) of concrete door sill at the lakeside entrance to resort store, at Sand Bay Resort, 405 Washington N, Battle Lake, on the west side of lake. Verified 8/18/94.
Elevation: 1336.94 ftDatum: MSL 1912 (ft)
Date Set: 08/18/1993Location: T133R40S34
Description: For use only with prior permission of landowner. Top N-NW corner of concrete shuffle board slab, at Sand Bay Resort, 405 Washington N, Battle Lake, on the west side of lake.

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