Lake water level report

Upper Hay - 18041200
Crow Wing County

Water Level Data

Period of record: 09/14/1966 to 04/23/2024
# of readings: 417
Highest recorded: 1232.51 ft (07/20/2018)
Lowest recorded: 1229.64 ft (07/07/1970)
Recorded range: 2.87 ft
Last reading: 1231.52 ft (04/23/2024)
Ordinary High Water Level (OHW) elevation: 1231.4 ft
Datum: NGVD 29 (ft)

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Last 10 years of data, click to enlarge.


Elevation: 1235.32 ftDatum: NGVD 29 (ft)
Date Set: 09/18/1991Location: T137R28S30
Description: Found 2002. Top upstream end of 96" RCP culvert thru CR 145 approx. 1.5 miles downstream of Upper Hay Lake. [Top downstream end of culvert = 1235.02.]
Elevation: 1239.44 ftDatum: NGVD 29 (ft)
Date Set: 09/14/1966Location: T137R29S25
Description: 80d spk in the east side of a power pole, on the west side of a drive to the north and the north side of C.R. 145 (drive is the first one west of the Barto's driveway which goes to Upper Hay Lk.
Elevation: 1234.94 ftDatum: NGVD 29 (ft)
Date Set: 02/20/2002Location: T137R29S35
Description: Found 2017. Vertical 60d spike, painted orange, in the south root of a 1.1' jackpine, on side of bank, 15' from the top of lake bank at waters edge, 24' NE of the NE edge of boat ramp, at public access, off Upper Hay Access, north of 33732 N Oak Dr, Pequot Lakes, on west side of lake.
Elevation: 1235.71 ftDatum: NGVD 29 (ft)
Date Set: 09/18/1991Location: T137R29S35
Description: Found 2002. Horizontal 3/8" x 8" spk 0.7' above the ground in the notched S-SW side of a 1.2' jackpine (stump by 2002), 38' SW of the centerline of the concrete boat ramp and 24' from the low bank at the waters edge, at public access, off Upper Hay Access, north of 33732 N Oak Dr, Pequot Lakes, on west side of lake.
Elevation: 1236.04 ftDatum: NGVD 29 (ft)
Date Set: 10/17/2013Location: T137R29S35
Description: Found 2024. 60d spike, 0.5' above ground, in WNW side of a 0.9' oak, 35' South of top of concrete plank boat ramp, 4' East of gravel turnaround at public access, off Upper Hay Access, north of 33732 N Oak Dr, Pequot Lakes, on west side of lake.(NAVD88=1236.80 per 2-27-2020 GPS Survey)

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