Lands and Minerals releases information to the public regarding many subjects including but not limited to:
- state land sales
- nonferrous metallic minerals lease sales
- exploration plans for nonferrous metallic minerals leases
- helium/hydrogen gas production rulemaking
- construction aggregate maps
- data releases
This webpage provides a home for Lands and Minerals related news releases. If you would like to be notified of these news releases please sign up below with your email address. This does not cover PolyMet related news releases. If you would like to be notified of PolyMet related news releases please visit the PolyMet website.
January 2025
Jan. 23, 2025 - Plan submitted to explore on state nonferrous metallic minerals leases
Metallic mineral exploration is proposed in St. Louis County in an area four miles southeast of Babbitt, Minnesota. Encampment Minerals Inc. (Encampment) proposes drilling exploratory borings and conducting down-hole geophysical surveys. Encampment has explored this area intermittently since 2011.
If the proposal meets the requirements of applicable state laws and is approved by the DNR, Encampment will have the right to explore the specified state lands under a nonferrous metallic mineral lease consistent with the exploration plan, any conditions, and applicable laws and rules.
Find a summary report and associated map of the proposed exploration related activities at the DNR's exploration plan webpage.
Jan. 16, 2025 - DNR submits legislative report with draft recommendations for a temporary regulatory framework for gas resource development in Minnesota
The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR), on behalf of the state’s Gas Resources Technical Advisory Committee (GTAC), has submitted a report to the State Legislature. The report includes recommendations and draft legislative language for a temporary framework to regulate the development of gas resources such as hydrogen and helium in Minnesota. The legislative report includes recommended best practices for regulating gas production which were prepared by a team of permitting and legal specialists with expertise in gas regulations from other U.S. states. The full report is available for download on the state’s Regulatory Framework for Developing Gas Resources in Minnesota website.
In November 2024, GTAC completed a set of draft recommendations and statutory language for a temporary regulatory framework. The committee shared these draft recommendations with Tribes in Minnesota, held public in-person meetings, and conducted a public input period in December to gather feedback. GTAC considered all feedback as it finalized the recommendations and the draft legislative language for a temporary regulatory framework for gas resource development.
The Minnesota Legislature will review GTAC's recommendations and draft legislative language for a temporary regulatory framework. If the legislature accepts these recommendations and approves the temporary framework, it will govern the permitting of gas production projects while agencies complete a comprehensive rulemaking process related to this sector. However, if the legislature does not enact legislation for permitting gas development projects during the rulemaking period, the 2024 moratorium on oil and gas production will remain in effect, and the state will not consider applications for permits for gas production projects until the rulemaking process is completed in 2026.
For more information, visit the state’s Regulatory Framework for Developing Gas Resources in Minnesota website.
December 2024
Dec. 2, 2024 - Public input sought on draft recommendations for a temporary regulatory framework for permitting gas resource development
The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, on behalf of the state’s Gas Resources Technical Advisory Committee (GTAC), invites input on draft recommendations and statutory language that would create a temporary framework to regulate development of gas resources like hydrogen or helium in Minnesota.
The GTAC includes staff from the DNR, Pollution Control Agency, Environmental Quality Board, Department of Health, and Department of Revenue. The multi-agency committee was tasked with drafting recommendations and potential statutory language for a temporary regulatory framework to govern gas development projects.
If enacted by the legislature, the temporary regulatory framework will be in place while state agencies write permanent rules to ensure that the development and management of gas resources within Minnesota are environmentally sound, protective of human health, and beneficial to the state and local communities. The 2024 directive requires the DNR submit GTAC’s recommendations and statutory language to the legislature by January 15, 2025.
Public input opportunities
The release of GTAC’s draft recommendations today marks the start of a 21-day public input period from Dec. 2 to Dec. 23. Anyone interested in gas resource development in Minnesota can review the recommendations put forth by GTAC on the state’s GTAC website.
Input may be submitted by:
- Completing a form on the state’s GTAC website
- Emailing input to [email protected]
- Mailing input to Minnesota Dept. of Natural Resources; ATTN: GTAC; 500 Lafayette Road N, Box 45; St. Paul, MN 55155-4045
The GTAC agencies will host two in-person public meetings to provide an overview of the draft recommendations, answer questions, and collect input.
The first in-person public meeting is 6-9 p.m. Thursday, Dec. 12, at Giants Ridge Main Chalet, 6325 Wynne Creek Dr, Biwabik, MN 55708.
The second in-person public meeting is 6-9 p.m. Tuesday, Dec. 17, at the Eagan Community Center, 1501 Central Pkwy, Eagan, MN 55121.
GTAC will consider all input received during the public input period and, if warranted, revise the draft recommendations by the end of December. The DNR will then submit a report to the state legislature outlining the GTAC’s recommendations and proposed statutory language by January 15, 2025.
More information about GTAC, draft recommendations, and proposed statutory language are available on the state’s GTAC website.
Please send any additional questions to [email protected].
November 2024
Nov. 12, 2024 - DNR Rulemaking: Inflation Factor in Nonferrous Metallic Mineral Lease Royalties
What are these rules about?
This rule is about nonferrous state mineral leases for minerals managed by the state of Minnesota. If you are not interested in the royalty payment structure in nonferrous state mineral lease rules, you can disregard this rulemaking notice.
What will this rulemaking do?
The Department of Natural Resources is considering a rule amendment that would modify the formula and methodology used to adjust for inflation for nonferrous royalty rates.
The nonferrous royalty rates are established by rule. The rule (Minn. Rules, part 6125.0700) provides a formula and methodology to adjust for inflation, but it is flawed and needs to be modified. The proposed modification would not alter the royalty rates in rule, but rather would make changes to properly adjust for inflation.
Who might be affected by these rule changes?
The amendment to the rules would most directly affect the following groups and individuals:
- Exploration and mining companies wishing to mine state-managed nonferrous minerals in Minnesota.
- Communities in the vicinity of state-managed nonferrous minerals.
- Beneficiaries of state royalties, which include counties, local schools, towns, public universities, and K-12 public education throughout the state.
Where do I send my comments?
Send written comments, questions, and requests for more information on these possible rules to the DNR contact person listed below by December 19, 2024. This public comment opportunity is associated with the development of possible rules. There will be another public comment opportunity when the DNR announces a formal notice of intent to adopt rules.
Information submitted as a public comment is public data, including any contact information you include with your written comments.
Where can I get more information?
The following rulemaking documents are available on the DNR website.
- Request for comments
If you want a free copy of the proposed rules, contact the DNR contact person listed below.
DNR contact
Ted Anderson
Assistant Director – Lands and Minerals Division
Minnesota Department of Natural Resources
500 Lafayette Rd St. Paul MN 55155
[email protected]
October 2024
Oct. 15, 2024 - Online auction announced for the Minnesota DNR’s November land sale
The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR) has state lands for sale in Aitkin, Cook, Itasca, and St. Louis counties. Six rural and lakeshore properties for sale provide several recreational opportunities.
Annual land sales help the DNR optimize its land holdings and meet its responsibility to maximize recreational, conservation, and economic opportunities for the state. The online auction is your chance to find:
- Parcels for hunting or other recreational purposes
- An add-on property (if you’re an adjacent landowner)
- Lakeshore lots for a small cabin
- The perfect place to park a camper trailer or pitch a tent
Visit the DNR land sale webpage for more information about the November online public land auction, preview lands for sale, and learn how to register for an account to bid on properties.
The auction
Properties will be available for bidding Thursday, Nov. 7 through Thursday, Nov. 21.
The November online public land auction partners with the Minnesota Department of Administration at MNBid, Minnesota’s Surplus Services online auction website.
Register to bid
Anyone interested in bidding on a property needs to register for an account on MNBid prior to participating in the auction. Visit the DNR land sale webpage to obtain property data sheets, terms and conditions of sale, and instructions for participating in the MNBid system.
Contact us
Call 651-259-5432, 888-646-6367 or email with questions about a specific property.
April 2024
April 5, 2024 -Plan submitted to explore on state nonferrous metallic minerals leases
Metallic mineral exploration is proposed in St. Louis County in an area six miles northeast of Hoyt Lakes, Minnesota. Encampment Minerals Inc. (Encampment) proposes drilling exploratory borings and conducting down-hole geophysical surveys. Encampment has explored this area intermittently since 2009.
If the proposal meets the requirements of applicable state laws and is approved by the DNR, Encampment will have the right to explore the specified state lands under a nonferrous metallic mineral lease consistent with the exploration plan, any conditions, and applicable laws and rules.
Find a summary report and associated map of the proposed exploration related activities at the DNR's exploration plan webpage.
April 4, 2024 - Plan submitted to explore on state nonferrous metallic minerals leases
Metallic mineral exploration is proposed in St. Louis County in an area six miles southeast of Hoyt Lakes, Minnesota. Encampment Minerals Inc. (Encampment) proposes drilling exploratory borings and conducting down-hole geophysical surveys. Encampment has explored this area intermittently since 2009.
If the proposal meets the requirements of applicable state laws and is approved by the DNR, Encampment will have the right to explore the specified state lands under a nonferrous metallic mineral lease consistent with the exploration plan, any conditions, and applicable laws and rules.
Find a summary report and associated map of the proposed exploration related activities at the DNR's exploration plan webpage.
March 2024
March 29, 2024 - Plan submitted to explore on state nonferrous metallic minerals leases
Metallic mineral exploration is proposed in Aitkin and Carlton counties in an area eight miles north to eight miles southeast of Tamarack, Minnesota. Talon Nickel (USA) LLC (Talon) proposes drilling exploratory borings and conducting down-hole and ground geophysical surveys. Talon and Kennecott Exploration Company (Kennecott) have explored this area intermittently since 2008.
Kennecott holds the state leases and designated Talon as the operator for the proposed exploration activity. The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR) has approved the operating agreement between Kennecott and Talon.
If the proposal meets the requirements of applicable state laws and is approved by the DNR, Talon will have the right to explore the specified state lands under a nonferrous metallic mineral lease consistent with the exploration plan, any conditions, and applicable laws and rules.
Find a summary report and associated map of the proposed exploration related activities at the DNR's exploration plan webpage.