Completed Aggregate resources evaluations have been completed on the following counties. Each resource evaluation contains the original maps and GIS data for download: 
500 Lafayette Road
St. Paul, Minnesota 55155-4045
tel. (651) 259-5376 phone
fax (651) 296-5939 fax
[email protected]

- Aitkin
- Benton
- Blue Earth
- Carlton
- Chisago
- Clay
- Dodge
- Isanti
- Itasca
- Kanabec
- Kandiyohi
- Le Sueur
- Meeker
- Mille Lacs
- Nicollet
- Olmsted
- Portions of
St. Louis and Lake - Redwood
- Renville
- Sherburne
- Sibley
- Stearns
- Swift
- Wright
- Seven County Metro Area*
Download compiled GIS data
Compiled Aggregate Resource Mapping GIS data and metadata are now available to download from Minnesota's Geospatial Commons:Compiled aggregate resource mapping data on Minnesota's Geospatial Commons »View the GIS data on a Web Map
A compilation of completed Aggregate Resource Mapping GIS data is now available in a new interactive web map application.Aggregate Mapper »Additional Information
Since this is a reconnaissance-level survey, site-specific evaluations are still necessary prior to any development of resources, especially in regards to aggregate quality or environmental review. Factors such as ownership, zoning, protected waters and wetlands, environmental permitting, and other individual site characteristics are not part of the geologic resource assessment.*The Metropolitan Area was mapped by the Minnesota Geological Survey and Metropolitan Council. More information on Twin Cities Aggregate Resources.For more information on completed counties or to request hardcopy plates:
Heather E. Arends, Mineral Potential Manager500 Lafayette Road
St. Paul, Minnesota 55155-4045
tel. (651) 259-5376 phone
fax (651) 296-5939 fax
[email protected]