Appraisal management

Our goal is to deliver reliable and supported certified market value appraisals at a reasonable cost and in a timely manner.

To accomplish this goal, Greg Heyblom coordinates the appraisal assignment process and coordinates the process of getting appraisals reviewed, repaired and certified.

The Appraisal Management Unit includes the following staff:

Appraisal Management Unit supervisor
Greg Heyblom
1525 3rd Avenue East
Hibbing, MN 55746
Ph. 218-231-8451

Josh Kelly
Appraisal Consultant
Ph. 651-259-5387

Carla Backstrom
Ph. 218-203-4406

Request for proposals for professional appraisal services

The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR) is seeking to contract with a number of qualified real estate appraisers licensed by the State of Minnesota and certified as a Level 4: Certified General Real Property Appraiser. Appraisers entering into such contract shall be entitled to be considered for appraisal assignments from the DNR during the contract period of February 1, 2024 through January 31, 2029. The DNR contracts with, and assigns work orders to, licensed real estate appraisers statewide in support of its acquisition, sales, and land exchange programs. The DNR reserves the right to assign appraisers at its sole discretion, based upon the complexity of the assignment, the qualifications of the appraiser, the appraiser's fee requirements, and the geographic location of the appraisal assignment. Inclusion on the DNRs list of appraisers does not constitute a guarantee of future work and appraisers may elect to decline any assignments offered. Incoming proposals shall be reviewed by the DNR on a monthly basis. Applicants whose proposals are approved can expect to receive a contract in the month following approval.

Request for proposal for appraisal services application form

For additional assistance, please contact Greg Heyblom
Ph. 218-231-8451

DNR supplemental appraisal and appraisal review guidelines

Appraisal and appraisal review forms

If you need accessible versions of any of the forms below or other assistance please contact Carla Backstrom.

DNR appraiser list

Encryption instructions

Guidance papers


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