Aquatic management areas
Minnesota's 700 AMAs contain 770 shoreland miles in 73 of Minnesota's 87 counties. They provide angler and management access, protect critical shoreland habitat and provide areas for education and research.
Aquatic plant management
DNR fisheries' APM staff work with lakeshore residents to balance native plant conservation with the desire to recreate and access lakefront property.
Fish habitat plan
The DNR's section of fisheries has a
plan in place to guide protection and restoration of fish habitats in lakes and streams across Minnesota.
Lake health
Although not the only measure, DNR fisheries have developed a
fish-based index of biological integrity that scores lake health based on the community of fish, plants and aquatic life it sustains.
Shoreland management
Learn how a habitat rich in diversity can bring beauty to your shoreline, attract wildlife and pollinators, and improve water quality.
Watershed management
The DNR works with partner agencies and local governments to improve land management practices in watersheds surrounding trout streams. This is particularly true in cases where natural trout reproduction has been impeded by excessive watershed erosion and sedimentation.