Reconnecting Rivers: Natural Channel Design in Dam Removals and Fish Passage

Reconnecting Rivers cover
Reconnecting Rivers: Natural Channel Design in Dam Removals and Fish Passage documents river restoration and reconnection projects that have helped restore stream health and connectivity. It was written to provide practitioners and citizens with


  • An overview of the impacts of dams on stream systems. Impacts include reservoir sedimentation, channel degradation, water quality effects, socioeconomic and cultural effects, and blockage of fish migrations.(Introduction) (5.8mb)
  • River restoration approaches. River management approaches include dam removal and river restoration in sediment-laden reservoirs (Chapter 1) (8mb) and nature-like fishways including rock ramps or rapids (e.g. Rock Arch Rapids) and by-pass fishways (Chapter 2) (18mb).
Case examples and 43 Project Briefs (Appendix) (42mb) are provided to illustrate the technical and social problems that may be encountered in such projects. A full bibliography (164kb) that lists important reference material is also included. River restoration is a relatively new science and there may be inherent controversy involved in dams and river management. This publication aids in addressing these concerns and provides a vision for river management alternatives.

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