Apply for water permits and preliminary well construction assessments, request changes to existing permits, and report annual water use using MPARS.

Do I need a permit?
- Check the Do I need a permit? page to learn about permitting requirements for water-related projects.
Water-related program contact information
- Projects that impact Minnesota's water resources are regulated by a variety of state, local, and federal agencies. In many cases, a permit is required from one or more of these agencies before proceeding with the project. Check the county-by-county listing to find the local agency contacts in your area.
Preliminary Well Construction Assessment
A preliminary assessment is required before drilling a well that will be used to withdraw more than 10,000 gallons of water per day or 1 million gallons per year. To apply for a Preliminary Well Construction Assessment, please use the MNDNR Permitting and Reporting System. If you are using MPARS for the first time, you will need to create an account. Once created, click on the link in the Actions box called "New Well Construction Assessment”.MPARS is the easiest and most convenient method for most people to request a well assessment, and allows for faster response times. If you prefer to request an assessment on a paper form, please contact the DNR Water Permits and Reporting staff at 651-259-5724.Water appropriations permits
- A water use permit is required for all water users in Minnesota withdrawing more than 10,000 gallons of water per day or 1 million gallons per year from a surface water or groundwater.
- More information about water appropriations permits
Infested waters diversion or transportation permits
Public waters work permits
- Projects constructed below the ordinary high water level (OHWL), which alter the course, current, or cross section of public waters or public waters wetlands, may require a public waters work permit. Such projects may also require an aquatic plant management control permit or a fishery related permit.
- More information about public waters work permits
- Public waters work permit applications
- General Permit 2008-0401, Temporary Authorization of Dock Platforms (January 2008)
- General Permit 2001-1172, Reissued for repair of flood damages
Dam safety permits
- Dam safety permit guidelines (construction, alteration, repair, or removal of dams)
- Dam safety forms (use Public Waters Work Permit forms)
Aquatic plant management control permits
A permit may be required for removal of aquatic plants, algae, swimmer's itch or leaches. If you believe that the growth of aquatic plants near your shoreline creates a nuisance, and are uncertain if your project will require a permit, use this flowchart to help pinpoint the steps necessary to identify appropriate control options. If you are already certain that your project will require a permit, apply online.Fishery related permits
- Fishery related permits are required for several types of fish removal and transport as well as to operate lake aeration systems.
Lake aeration permits
- Information regarding permits to operate lake aeration systems can be found on the Lake Aeration Program page.