Wildlife from your window

a hummingbird near a birdfeeder

You don’t need to travel far or have a backyard to be a wildlife enthusiast! These activities and resources are great for people living in apartments with limited access to the outdoors.

Make use of your balcony. If you have a balcony, try putting up a birdfeeder, a bird bath, or making mini-wildlife habitats with native plants. You can still put up a birdfeeder without a balcony, just be careful when installing it and maintaining it. Make sure it is secure: you don’t want it falling down to the street below!

Watch birdcams. If putting up a birdfeeder isn’t an option, you can still get the benefit of a birdfeeder with online bird cams like the Cornell Lab’s birdfeeder cams, the EagleCam, or the FalconCam.

Put up decals. You can also put up bird-friendly decals on your windows to avoid bird strikes. Or use them to decorate your home!

Keep an eye on the sky. You’ll be able to see a variety of bird species flying by, even in metro areas. Keep track of what you notice and when! You can also purchase a pair of binoculars to watch the birds that fly by your window or perch on the buildings or trees near your home.

Learn more about the wildlife around your area. Free apps like eBird and Merlin are great for identifying the birds you’re seeing and hearing. There are also nature books and bird courses you can try. And of course, plenty of free resources on our website, like our Minnesota’s animals factsheets and our Rare Species Guide. All About Birds and the National Wildlife Federation are also great places to look for more information about Minnesota’s wildlife.

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