Windom area fisheries

Windom area fisheries staff perform management, habitat and oversight work for 80 fishing lakes and 2,000 miles of rivers and streams in Cottonwood, Jackson, southern Lincoln, southern Lyon, Martin, Murray, Nobles, Pipestone, Rock and Watonwan counties.

Popular area waters are Lake Benton, Lake Sarah, Lake Shaokotan and Lake Shetek as well as the muskellunge fisheries of Fox Lake and the Fairmont Chain of Lakes.

The Windom fisheries work area

Where to find us

175 County Road 26
Windom, MN 56101
[email protected]

News & notices

What can I catch?

Measuring a walleye's lengthWondering what fish you can catch and when you can catch them? Seasons vary for different fish so use our fishing season listing to find out.

Get started fishing

Fishing rod and reel sitting on a dockWe can help you get started fishing. Check out our tips and links to information on how to fish, filleting fish, frying fish and more.

Fishing opportunities
Lake management planning

Lakes scheduled for 2025

People who want to discuss the individual fisheries listed below must use the contact information listed below during February and March. Your observations and comments will be considered as updates begin on these fisheries lake management plans.

Comments from people interested in the health and quality of Minnesota’s fisheries are a critical part of the DNR’s fisheries lake management planning process. These plans establish fisheries management goals and objectives for each lake and guide the work fisheries biologists do each year.

Clicking lake links below take you to LakeFinder, where you can find various lake specific information, including past fisheries surveys. To submit input or learn more about each lake’s management plan, please use the contact information listed below for each lake.

Lake (nearest city)CountyEmail contactPhone contactArea office
Clear Lyon[email protected]507-832-6013Windom
Clear Martin[email protected]507-832-6013Windom
KinbraeNobles[email protected]507-832-6013Windom
ShaokotanLincoln[email protected]507-832-6013Windom

How you can help

Comments about preferred experiences, observations or general concerns about the fishery – rather than suggestions on how DNR might accomplish a specific goal or objective – are the most helpful kinds of input.

Some questions to consider when formulating input could include:

  • What kind of fishing experience are you looking for?
  • Are there fish habitat concerns you’d like to share?
  • What species of fish are most important to you?
  • Do you like catching fewer big fish or a lot of smaller fish?

Individuals as well as representatives of lake associations, outdoors groups, conservations organizations and local units of government are encouraged to comment.

Talk with us

Windom staff

Slide text left for phones & emails

Ryan DoorenbosArea supervisor507-832-6013[email protected]
Nate HodginsAssistant area supervisor507-832-6015[email protected]
Jonah DagelFisheries specialist507-832-6014[email protected]
Luke RossowFisheries technician507-832-6012[email protected]
Autumn BezdicekOffice Administrative Assistant507-832-6011[email protected]

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