The Lower Tamarack River arises in shrub swamps in northeastern Pine County, flowing 41 miles to its confluence with the St. Croix River. Above County Road 30 near Duxbury, navigation is difficult due to numerous beaver dams, but the river is navigable by canoe below this point during periods of high water. The best stretch for canoeing and fishing is from the access at Pine County 25 to the mouth at the St. Croix. Northern pike, smallmouth bass and walleye are present in this river reach, and although uncommon, channel catfish have been sampled. Northern pike and smallmouth bass can also be found as far upstream as County Road 32.Historically, lake sturgeon from the St. Croix River ran up the Lower Tamarack to spawn in spring. In the early twentieth century an Indian camp was located at the first rapids upstream from the mouth, and sturgeon were trapped between rock dams and harvested. Anglers in recent years have reported catching sturgeon in the spring in the Lower Tamarack, but exact spawning locations have not been documented. There is no open season for lake sturgeon in this part of the St. Croix or its tributaries including the Lower Tamarack.
Species present in the Lower Tamarack(from 1999 stream survey)
black bullhead
blacknose dace
blacknose shiner
blackside darter
brassy minnow
brook stickleback
central mudminnow
channel catfish
chestnut lamprey
common shiner
creek chub
finescale dace
gilt darter
golden redhorse
hornyhead chub
johnny darter
longnose dace
northern hogsucker
northern pike
pearl dace
rock bass
shorthead redhorse
silver redhorse
slenderhead darter
smallmouth bass
white sucker