Duluth area fisheries

Duluth area fisheries staff perform management, habitat and oversight work for 344 lakes, 1,166 miles of trout stream and 3,315 miles of warm-water rivers and streams in Carlton and southern St. Louis counties.

Area waters are popular fishing destinations such as the St. Louis River Estuary, Island Lake Reservoir and the Blackhoof, Knife and Sucker rivers, which are premier trout streams.

The Duluth fisheries work area

Where to find us

5351 North Shore Drive
Duluth, MN 55804
[email protected]

News & notices

What can I catch?

Measuring a walleye's lengthWondering what fish you can catch and when you can catch them? Seasons vary for different fish so use our fishing season listing to find out.

Get started fishing

Fishing rod and reel sitting on a dockWe can help you get started fishing. Check out our tips and links to information on how to fish, filleting fish, frying fish and more.

Fishing opportunities

Area lakes by county

Fishing piers & boat ramps by county

Lake management planning

Lakes scheduled for 2025

People who want to discuss the individual fisheries listed below must use the contact information listed below during February and March. Your observations and comments will be considered as updates begin on these fisheries lake management plans.

Comments from people interested in the health and quality of Minnesota’s fisheries are a critical part of the DNR’s fisheries lake management planning process. These plans establish fisheries management goals and objectives for each lake and guide the work fisheries biologists do each year.

Clicking lake links below take you to LakeFinder, where you can find various lake specific information, including past fisheries surveys. To submit input or learn more about each lake’s management plan, please use the contact information listed below for each lake.

Lake (nearest city)CountyEmail contactPhone contactArea office
BassettSt. Louis[email protected]218-302-3279Duluth
Moosehorn RiverCarlton[email protected]218-302-3279Duluth
Whiteface ReservoirSt. Louis[email protected]218-302-3279Duluth

How you can help

Comments about preferred experiences, observations or general concerns about the fishery – rather than suggestions on how DNR might accomplish a specific goal or objective – are the most helpful kinds of input.

Some questions to consider when formulating input could include:

  • What kind of fishing experience are you looking for?
  • Are there fish habitat concerns you’d like to share?
  • What species of fish are most important to you?
  • Do you like catching fewer big fish or a lot of smaller fish?

Individuals as well as representatives of lake associations, outdoors groups, conservations organizations and local units of government are encouraged to comment.

Stream management planning
Connect with the Duluth area fisheries office through Friday, March 1, to comment on these fisheries stream management plans:
  • Barrs Creek, St. Louis County
  • Brophy Creek, St. Louis County
  • Prairie River/Hasty Brook, St. Louis and Carlton counties
  • Slaughterhouse Creek, Carlton County
  • Unnamed tributary to Clear Creek (Military Creek), Carlton County
  • Unnamed tributary to East Branch of Amity Creek (Cooper Creek), St. Louis County
  • Unnamed tributary to Hellwig Creek (Shippley Creek), St. Louis County
  • Unnamed tributary to Midway River (Adolph Creek), St. Louis County
  • Unnamed tributary to Midway River (Korby Creek), Carlton County
  • Unnamed tributary to West Rocky Run (Jeffrey Creek), St. Louis County
  • Unnamed tributary to West Rocky Run (Solway Creek), St. Louis County
The DNR will use comments and suggestions from the public as it updates or creates new fisheries management plans that identify specific management activities planned for these streams over the next five to 20 years. The plans include a variety of fisheries information such as summaries and evaluation of past management activities and regulations; background information such as water chemistry and water temperature; and species presence, stocking, and historic catch rates from previous fisheries surveys. As applicable, the plans also identify biological and social factors that might limit a fishery’s potential and seek to address limiting factors by prescribing science-based management tools when biologically, fiscally and socially appropriate. Comments and suggestions from the public are important in identifying angler values and social considerations to address in plans. Public input is most useful before plans are finalized. Anyone can request information, including draft management plans and share thoughts about fisheries management. Comments and suggestions for managing other lakes and streams in the Duluth work area are welcome at any time and will be considered when those plans are due for review.
Talk with us

Duluth staff

Slide text left for phones & emails

Dan WilfondArea supervisor218-302-3279[email protected]
Alisha HallamAssistant area supervisor218-302-3269[email protected]
Allen BrandtFisheries specialist218-353-8860[email protected]
VacantFisheries specialist
Rebecca PalvereFisheries technician218-302-3282[email protected]
Fred SchmitzBuildings utility mechanic218-302-3276[email protected]
VacantOffice administrative specialist

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