Federal funds


The DNR will deposit an estimated $27.4 million for fiscal years 2004 and 2005. Federal receipts can be the result of research and special project agreements; grants for boat and water safety, trail development and wildlife habitat protection; and expense reimbursements following a FEMA-declared natural disaster. Federal funds can vary significantly between biennia since federal programs may be discontinued; federal appropriations and allocations can vary significantly between federal fiscal years; and other federal receipts (disaster aid) are tied to catastrophic and unforeseen events.

The $27.4 million does not include federal receipts associated with the federal sport fish and wildlife restoration programs. Those receipts are deposited to the Game and Fish Fund.


Authorized expenditure of federal funds is for programs and purposes directly related to how the federal revenues are generated.

DNR's proposed budget, FY2004 and 2005$27.6 million
DNR's current budget, FY2002 and 200325.2 million
Difference($2.4 million)
The difference of $2.4 million is a reduction of 9.5% in the proposed budget from spending in the current two-year period.

Check more detail on DNR federal receipts and project expenditures (contained in an appendix to the DNR's FY2004-2005 operating budget, p. 145).

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