Groundwater Atlas Program

2 hydrologists sampling a well

Products include maps and interpretive reports of geology, groundwater, pollution sensitivity, and special studies. Many provide separate GIS files and water chemistry information.

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County Atlas (CGA)

County geologic and groundwater information. Recent atlases are split into two parts. 

Geologic studies include unconsolidated deposits and bedrock.

Groundwater studies include flow systems, aquifers, groundwater chemistry, and sensitivity to pollution.

Springs, Springsheds, and Karst

Includes karst-related information and web maps including the Minnesota Spring Inventory, Minnesota Groundwater Tracing Database, and Karst Feature Inventory.

Additional information includes dye trace reports from springshed mapping and findings of karst investigations. 

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Minnesota Hydrogeology Atlas (MHA)

Extends county maps and data from the CGA program to statewide coverage. Includes Pollution Sensitivity of the Bedrock Surface, Pollution Sensitivity of Near-Surface Materials, and Water-Table Elevation and Depth to Water Table.

Minnesota Groundwater Provinces 2021

Minnesota map summarizing the regional differences in aquifers and groundwater resources. The six provinces are based on bedrock and glacial geology and have unique combinations of groundwater sources and availability for drinking water, industry, and agriculture. 


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Regional Hydrogeologic Assessment (RHA)

Larger areas (typically 4-9 counties) covered in less detail than a county atlas. Includes areas in the Anoka Sand Plain, Southwestern Minnesota, Southern Red River Valley, Upper Minnesota River Basin, Otter Tail, and Traverse-Grant.

These are older assessments that will be replaced by the County Geologic Atlases as they are completed.

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