Walk-In Access (WIA) Program

A walk-in access sign in front of an open field

Public Hunting on Private Land

Hunter Information

Individuals with a Walk-In Access validation can hunt from September 1 to May 31 during legal hunting hours and open seasons from ½ hour before sunrise to ½ hour after sunset with no landowner contact necessary.

You must purchase a WIA Validation to legally hunt WIA Sites.
Purchase Online or call: 1-888-665-4236 (ELS CODE 190)

Landowners cannot give others permission to hunt without a validation.

Important! Check the WIA site status page for site updates and closures.

Download 2024 Atlas (14 MB) or Find a WIA using our interactive maps

 Hunters must:

  • Landowners are willing to enroll in this program because hunters have been respectful. Please take care of the land. Respect boundary signs, do not damage property and do not leave garbage.
  • Park along roads or in designated parking areas. Do not block access to farm fields or pastures. Be aware that during the fall, farm machinery will also be using roads. Give them as much space as possible to get around your parked vehicle.
  • No motorized vehicles are allowed.
    "No target practice, trapping, dog training, camping, horseback riding or fires are allowed by the public. The landowner retains the right to engage in, or give permission to engage in these, and other limited activities that do not impede public hunting."
    Read Trapping FAQ for more information about trapping.
  • Follow the Code of Conduct for WIA lands.
    (Alternative versions: Español, Hmong)
Note: Landowners may opt out of the program at any time during the year. These changes will be reflected in the online Atlas and the WIA County Interactive Map.

Help Evaluate the Program

If you hunted a WIA, we want to hear from you about your experience. Please take a few minutes to answer five questions about your WIA hunts, our website and map products, and offer comments on the program.

Take survey

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