Adapted from the French word meaning meadow, prairie is much more than a field of grasses and wildflowers.
Native prairie refers to an ecosystem of interconnected plants, animals, soils, climate and cultures. Native prairie is a landscape where climate and disturbance over thousands of years have favored grassland over forest.Prairies were once the largest continuous ecosystem in North America, but today they are
one of the continent's most endangered habitats. The near elimination of native prairies and savannas (prairie with scattered trees) has inspired many efforts to
protect remaining parcels.

Conserve and Manage Prairies
Creating a plan is the first step to
conserve and
manage prairies. We have written
a statewide plan that helps guide prairie preservation and restoration for Minnesota.
Site management plans (prairie stewardship plans) can help landowners with technical advice and can open doors to financial support and other
assistance to preserve or restore prairie.

Create and Restore Prairies
restoration is a complicated science. Restoration techniques have improved as we continue to learn more about these complex ecosystems. Existing native prairie
remnants serve as a model to help all of us learn.

Learn about Prairie
Are you new to prairies? Or are you a prairie expert? No matter your knowledge or expertise, you can learn something here about prairies and savannas. Find out how prairie provides essential habitat for native plants and wildlife. You may be surprised to find the many ways that prairies benefit people too.