
DNR Library

500 Lafayette Road
St. Paul, MN 55155
tel: 651-259-5506


Public access to the library is by appointment only.
Monday-Friday, 8:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.

Library staff

Tracy Waterman

The DNR is a member of MnPALS, a statewide network of academic, government and special libraries with a common online catalog.

Search the DNR Library catalog online on MnPaLS

Library services

The DNR Library provides access to information needed by natural resource professionals and managers. The library collection is an archive of DNR publications and also includes other books, reports, and journals covering natural resource management (e.g., fish and wildlife, forestry, ecology, parks and recreation, geology, and water).

Note: Contact the DNR Information Center at 651-296-6157, or 888-MINNDNR or for

  • General information
  • Maps, brochures, or other publications
  • Any other comments or questions on DNR policies or practices


Public services

  • Providing information about the Library's collection
  • Responding to quick reference questions within the scope of the Library collection.
  • Referring to other resources when answers are not within our collection.
  • Lending materials through interlibrary loan. This must be done through your public, college, or special library. We do not lend to individuals.

The public is welcome to use DNR Library resources on site. Please call ahead to ensure that library staff is available to assist you.

DNR employees: Library services online.

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