Lake water level report

Fountain - 24001800
Freeborn County

Water Level Data

Period of record: 06/15/1971 to 05/01/2024
# of readings: 133
Highest recorded: 1217.53 ft (08/16/1993)
Highest known: 1218.2 ft
Lowest recorded: 1214.34 ft (10/14/2008)
Recorded range: 3.19 ft
Last reading: 1215.79 ft (05/01/2024)
Ordinary High Water Level (OHW) elevation: 1215.1 ft
Datum: NGVD 29 (ft)

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Last 10 years of data, click to enlarge.


Elevation: 1221.47 ftDatum: NGVD 29 (ft)
Date Set: 06/15/1971Location: T102R21S5
Description: Game & Fish BM, shown on map B-0405. On poured concrete at top north end of large CMP (size not determined) under Lakeview Blvd, "The Fairway", Albert Lea, between NW (west bay) & SE (east bay) portions of Fountain Lake.
Elevation: 1221.88 ftDatum: NGVD 29 (ft)
Date Set: 10/14/2008Location: T102R21S9
Description: MN DOT BM "2405 F 1981" - a disk in the NW abutment of the Bridge Ave bridge, Albert Lea, over the outlet at SE end of lake. [Note: Add 0.06 to NGVD 1929 elevations to equate to NAVD 1988 datum.]

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