DNR mobile web pages

photo of a lake in Minnesota



Take the MN DNR's lake information on the go with the LakeFinder mobile website. The LakeFinder contains data for more than 4,500 lakes and rivers throughout Minnesota and this mobile application allows you to get the information on demand with an internet connection. Get lake surveys, depth maps, vegetation reports, water data, and fishing regulations in the palm of your hand.

Available for most browsers - optimized for mobile use.

Frequently asked questions »

lake finder thumbnail of main screen     lake finder thumbnail of map details screen     lake finder thumbnail of regulations screen     lake finder thumbnail of lake details screen
Lakefinder qr code

Recreation Compass


Use the Rec Compass app to find information about state and federal recreation facilities in Minnesota.

The Recreation Compass map employs different layers such as lakes, forests, parks, and trails. Search by name or by map. We've added a map overlay so that you can easily find hunting permit boundaries.

Available for most browsers - optimized for mobile use.

Mobile license sales thumbnail     Mobile license sales thumbnail     Mobile license sales thumbnail
Rec Compass qr code

Fishing and Hunting License Sales


Hunting and fishing customers can now purchase some hunting and fishing license types on their mobile devices. Any license that requires a site tag such as deer or turkey is not available for mobile purchase.

Once a customer purchases and receives mobile license information by text, email or both, he or she must be able to provide the email or text information to an enforcement officer upon request as proof of a valid license.

Mobile device users will automatically be identified when visiting the DNR website at mndnr.gov/buyalicense and selecting the "Purchase" button at the bottom of the page.

Available for most browsers - optimized for mobile use.

Mobile license sales thumbnail     Mobile license sales thumbnail     Mobile license sales thumbnail
ELS qr code


Geospatial PDFs ("GeoPDF") Maps


Don't get lost in the woods, navigate large remote areas using DNR Geospatial PDFs ("GeoPDFs") on your mobile device. Display your current location like Google Maps, but you don't have to be connected to the internet or have cell service while using the maps.

GeoPDF of Split Rock Creek State Park    spring emerging from a cave    spring roiling up sand in a stream

Gooseberry Falls Go mobile app


Download the Gooseberry Falls Go mobile app before you visit and you'll have the park in your pocket!

Available for most iPhone and Android phones.

Gooseberry go Ranger splash Screen image     Gooseberry go main screen image     Gooseberry go main screen image     Gooseberry go main screen image

GPS Maps

GPSSnowmobile Trails


Know your exact location and where the trail will take you! Garmin GPS users can now download a background map containing Minnesota Snowmobile Trails, including state trails, trails within state parks, state forests and other state owned lands, as well as snowmobile trails funded through the Grant-In-Aid Snowmobile system.

Available in Garmin IMG format.


WIA Data


The Walk-In Access (WIA) program provides public hunting opportunities on private lands. Find a WIA site.

Available in KMZ (Garmin) and GPX formats.



WMA Data


GPSHave you ever wondered where the parking lot was at a Wildlife Management Area? Now you can take the parking lot and WMA boundary information with you in Garmin format. Download the data for all state WMA’s to your GPS and always know where the public land is.

Available in Garmin IMG format.



Ruffed Grouse Management Areas (RGMAs)


GPSRGMAs are a great destination for the hunter looking to experience grouse and woodcock hunting. RGMAs are located in areas that have good potential for producing grouse and woodcock and are managed to promote suitable habitat conditions for these species.

Available in KMZ (Garmin) and GPX formats.

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