The northern boundary is Giants Range in the west and the Canadian shield in the east. The southeastern boundary consists of a Superior Lobe moraine and till plains. The southwest boundary is a drumlin plain.Brown glacial sediments form the parent material for much of this subsection. Landforms include till plains and outwash plains. Soils are varied and range from medium to coarse textures. This region consisted of forest communities dominated by aspen-birch, jack pine barrens, and red pine and white pine on the uplands, and conifer bogs and swamps on the lowlands. Forestry is the most important land use presently with some mining occurring on the northwest corner of the subsection.
The primary landforms are till plains, moraines, and peatlands. The till plains are characterized by rolling topography and coarse-loamy till deposited by the Rainy Lobe glacier. The moraines have rolling to steep topography with coarse-loamy till deposited by the Superior Lobe.