Minnesota Native Prairie Bank

Rewarding your commitment to conservation

Landowner (right) and SNA staff (left) standing on newly enrolled Native Prairie Bank easement.

You know the place. That portion of your land too hilly, rocky, wet or steep to plow, where wildflowers bloom spring through fall, you might graze livestock there part of the year, maybe put the grass up for hay, hunt deer and pheasants in the fall, walk out there with your family on warm sunny days, meadowlarks and prairie chickens, songbirds and butterflies abound. It's your piece of native prairie.

Your family has been stewards of this land for 20, 50 or a hundred years. Or you're a more recent landowner. Regardless, you're concerned. That prairie is a special place you want to preserve for future generations while still maintaining your current uses and lifestyle. Wondering how to do both?

There is a way. Enroll your land in a Native Prairie Bank.

See one family's decision to place their prairie land into a Native Prairie Bank conservation easement

Native Prairie Bank Logo

What is a Native Prairie Bank easement?

A Native Prairie Bank easement is a voluntary agreement between a landowner and the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR). The landowner agrees to manage the land under an easement in ways that protect the native prairie in exchange for an upfront, one-time payment. Each easement is tailored to the unique character of the land and desires of the landowner, with common protection features such as no plowing or building on the native prairie. The easement leaves ownership in the hands of the property owners who may continue to enjoy it, manage it as part of their working farm, sell it, or pass it down to heirs, but the agreement remains with the land.

Why be concerned about native prairie?

How do I apply?

Find a local Native Prairie Bank contact, and when you are ready complete the application.

Map of Native Prairie Banks in Minnesota

Frequently Asked Questions

Other ways you can help save native prairies

For more information

Contact the DNR Prairie Biologist.

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