Donate today ❤️
Your support helps preserve Minnesota's finest natural features and rare species. You can donate right now!
Donate with a major credit card via a secure (US Bank) website. You can pay without registering. You also have the option to register, or login if you've already registered, to setup recurring donations on a convenient schedule.This will take you to a secure (US Bank) website. You can pay without registering.
Or a check in any amount can also be sent directly to:
Scientific and Natural Areas Program
500 Lafayette Road
Saint Paul, MN 55155
- Make checks payable to the Scientific and Natural Areas Program with "Scientific and Natural Areas" noted on the memo/for line.
- If you have land with natural, undisturbed features or rare species and you are considering selling or donating we would like to hear from you!
- To discuss land or other gifts contact us at [email protected]. Please provide your name, phone number, email, and address (if regarding a land gift/sale) when emailing.
- If you are interested in making a contribution toward a sustaining endowment fund for Scientific and Natural Areas contact us at [email protected]
Protection and Restoration Options for Your Land
Wondering how you can be a good steward of your own land? We have resources for you.Protection
- Land Protection Options: A Handbook for Minnesota Landowners
- Native Prairie Bank Program
- Native Prairie Tax Exemption Program
- Nurture Nature