Reports & surveys
Wildlife research summaries
Private land management brochures
Habitat improvement
- Top 10 Sharp-tailed Grouse Habitat Management Tips
- Creating winter habitat for wildlife
- Establishing Prairie Grasses and Wildflowers
- Grazing Brochure
- Woodlands and Nongame Wildlife
- Managing your brushland for wildlife
- Managing your woodland wetland
- Managing your woodland for wildlife
- Managing Your Woodland for Ruffed Grouse - brochure
- Managing Your Woodland for Ruffed Grouse - pamphlet
- Managing your land for Sharp-Tailed Grouse
- Managing your woodland for White-Tailed Deer - brochure
- Managing your woodland for White-Tailed Deer - pamphlet
- Managing your woodland for Wild Turkeys
- Managing your land for Woodcock
- Prairies of Minnesota Landowner Handbook
- Top 10 Forest Wildlife Habitat Tips
- Using Cylindrical Nest Structures to Increase Mallard Nest Success
- Wildlife Food Plots in Northern Minnesota
Managing wildlife related problems
- Bear Country - Learning to Live with Bears
- The Clemson Beaver Pond Leveler - Water level control in Beaver Ponds
- Energized Fence Guidelines for Excluding Deer and Other Wildlife From Your Garden
- Growers Guide to Goose Problems
- Homeowners' Guide to Goose Problems
- Prevent Damage to Beehives with an Energized Fence
- Waste Management in Bear Country - A guide to controlling foraging at trash sites by black bears.