![An eastern wild turkey](https://images.dnr.state.mn.us/natural_resources/animals/birds/turkey/turkey.jpg)
Wild turkeys have become an increasingly common sight across much of Minnesota. With the exception of the heavy forest north of U.S. Highway 2, you're likely to spot the eastern wild turkey just about anywhere.The expansion of the wild turkey's original range is a wildlife management success story. Caused by loss of forested habitat in the valleys of the Mississippi, Minnesota, Rock and Des Moines rivers and unregulated hunting, Minnesota's last native turkey was spotted in 1880.After several re-introduction attempts dating back the 1920s, successful trap and transplant efforts began in 1971. A favorable habitat mix has pushed the wild turkey range well beyond its pre-settlement location, which was limited to southern Minnesota.
Statistics, Surveys & Maps
Turkey hunting in Minnesota takes place during seasons in the spring and fall.The following are in PDF format.
Reports and Surveys
Maps and statistics