Special publications

COMPLETE LIST – Fisheries Special Publications

NumberTitle, author
131Parasites and Selected Anomalies of some Fishes of the North Central United States and Canada. By Ellis J. Wyatt and Philip P. Economon. Sept. 1981. 197pp.
132Lake Management Planning Guide. Dec. 1982. 61pp.
133Aeration and Mixing Systems in Minnesota Lakes. By David W. Pederson. Dec. 1982. 29pp.
134Biological Survey of the Red Lake River. By Paul A. Renard, Steven R. Hanson and John W. Enblom. June 1983. 110pp.
135A Fish Management Guide for Northern Prairie Farm Ponds. By James A. Schneider. Aug. 1983. 30pp.
136Water Quality Monitoring in Representative Fish Lakes, 1979 and 1980. By David Zappetillo, Harlan Fierstine and David Pederson. April 1984. 98pp.
137Biological Survey of the Otter Tail River. By Steven R. Hanson, Paul A. Renard, Nancy A. Kirsch, and John W. Enblom. June 1984. 110pp.
138Indexing Minnesota Fish Lakes Relative to Potential Susceptibility to Acidic Deposition. By Ronald D. Payer. Aug. 1984. 84pp.
139Biological Survey of the Minnesota River. By Nancy A. Kirsch, Steven A. Hanson, Paul A. Renard, and John W. Enblom. March 1985. 107pp.
140Large Lake Sampling Guide. By Paul J. Wingate and Dennis H. Schupp. April 1984. 30pp.
141Lake Superior Tributary Sampling Guide. By Dexter Pitman and Paul J. Wingate. April 1986. 64pp.
142Biological Survey of the Red River of the North. By Paul A. Renard, Steven R. Hanson, and John W. Enblom. July 1986. 82pp.
143Proceedings of Trout and the Trout Angler in the Upper Midwest Workshop. June 1988. 57pp.
145Minnesota's Purple Loosestrife Program: History, Findings and Management Recommendations. By Luke C. Skinner, William J. Rendall, and Ellen L. Fuge. January 1994. 40pp.
146Life History and Taxonomic Status of Purple Loosestrife in Minnesota: Implications for Management and Regulations of this Exotic Plant. By Charles H. Welling and Roger L. Becker. May 1992. 16pp.
147Manual of Instructions for Lake Survey. By Timothy Schlagenhaft. March 1993.
148Fisheries Management Planning Guide for Streams and Rivers. By Mark Ebbers. May 1993. 64pp.
149Fisheries Management Plan for the Minnesota Waters of Lake Superior. Donald R. Schreiner, Editor. Nov. 1995. 99pp.
150Walleye Stocking Guidelines for Minnesota Fish Managers. Aug. 1995. 47pp.
151Potential, Target, and Current Yields for Minnesota's 10 Large Walleye Lakes. Oct. 1997. 72pp.
152Nondigenous Fish in Inland Waters: Response Plan to New Introductions. May 1998. By Jodene Hirsch. 21pp.
153A Provisional Classification of Minnesota Rivers with Associated Fish Communities. Sept. 1999. By William. C. Thorn and Charles S. Anderson. 22pp.
154Electrofishing Guidelines. June 1999. 22pp.
155Fall Stocking of Rainbow Trout in Bad Medicine Lake: a Bioenergetics Assessment of Impacts on the Daphnia Pulex Population. By Jodene Hirsch and Mary Negus. July 2000. 28pp.
156Fish Community Surveys of Twin Cities Metropolitan Area Streams. By Konrad Schmidt and Philip Talmage. Oct. 2001.
157Rainbow Trout Management plan for the Minnesota Waters of Lake Superior. By Division of Fisheries, in cooperation with the Rainbow Trout Advisory Group, Donald R. Schreiner, editor. March. 2003.
158Modifications to the Clemon pond leveler to facilitate brook trout passage. By Tracy L. Close. April 2003.
159Walleye stocking as a tool to suppress fathead minnows and improve habitat quality in semipermanent and permanent wetland in the prairie pothole region of Minnesota. By Brian R. Herwig, Mark A. Hanson, Jeffrey R. Reed, Bradford G. Parsons, Anthony J. Potthoff, Matthew C. Ward, Kyle D. Zimmer, Malcolm G. Butler, David W. Willis, and Vaughn A. Snook. August 2004. 41pp.
160The role of submersed aquatic vegetation as habitat for fish in Minnesota lakes, including the implications of non-native plant invasions and their management. By Ray D. Valley, Timothy K. Cross, and Paul Radomski. November 2004. 41pp.
161Comparison of day electrofishing, night electrofishing, and trap netting for sampling inshore fish in Minnesota Lakes. By Michael C. McInerny and Timothy K. Cross. January 2005. 48pp.
162Habitat Suitability Criteria for Stream Fishes and Mussels of Minnesota. By Luther P. Aadland and Ann Kuitunen. 167pp.
163Fisheries Management Plan for the Minnesota Waters of Lake Superior. Prepared by Donald R. Schreiner, Joseph J. Ostazeski, Theodore N. Halpern, and Steven A. Geving; in cooperation with the MN DNR North Shore Management Group and the Lake Superior Advisory Group. September 2006. 100pp.
164Fish Culture in Wetlands: A Review of the Science and Recommendations for Licensing Criteria. Prepared by Doug Norris in cooperation with the Wetland Values Technical Committee Membership. June 2007. 33pp.
165Fisheries Stream Survey Manual. Prepared by Mark Ebbers and the stream survey manual committee. March 2007. 267pp.

166Fish Community Responses to the Introduction of Muskellunge in Minnesota Lakes. By Michael L. Knapp, Steven W. Mero, David J. Bohlander, and David F. Staples. March 2008. 22pp.
167Salmonid Sperm Cryopreservation Techniques.  By Mary T. Negus.  March 2008.  20pp.
168Mark-Recapture Study of the Spring 2009 Walleye Population in the Woman Chain of Lakes, Cass County, MN. By Steven M. Shroyer and Dale E. Logsdon. December 2012. 16pp.
169Genetic Variability of Leech and Woman Lake Walleye Populations. By Loren M. Miller, Ph.D. AND Variation in Young Walleye Growth in Leech Lake. By Matt Ward, David Staples, Ph.D., and Doug Schultz. January 2013. 20pp.
170Fisheries Management Planning Guide for Streams and Rivers in Minnesota. By Doug Dieterman, Eric Altena, Josh Blankenheim, Chris Domeier, Ryan Doorenbos, Tom Groshens, Steve Klotz, Kelly McQuiston, Rick Nelson, Brian Nerbonne, Vaughn Snook, Phil Talmage, Dennis Topp, and Scott Niemela (MPCA). 2013. 173 pp.
171Fisheries Stream Survey Manual – Supplement 1. By Mark Ebbers, Eric Altena, Al Anderson, Ian Chisholm, Douglas Dieterman, Tom Groshens, Vern Imgrund, Karl Koller, Jason Moeckel, Rick Nelson, Phil Talmage, Dennis Topp, and Roy Weitzel (MPCA). 2013 116 pp.
172Biomanipulation of Shallow Wetlands in Southern Minnesota Using Rotenone Reclamation and Walleye Fry Stocking: The Control of Undesirable Fishes and Influences on Pond Ecology. By Craig Soupir, Bob Davis, Brian Schultz, Ryan Doorenbos, Phil Nasby, Charles Obler, Luke Rossow, Leslie George, and Shannon Fisher. January 2013. 42pp.
173Biomanipulation of Shallow Wetlands in Southern Minnesota Using Rotenone Reclamation and Walleye Fry Stocking: Supplemental Material. By Craig Soupir, Bob Davis, Brian Schultz, Ryan Doorenbos, Phil Nasby, Charles Obler, Luke Rossow, Leslie George, and Shannon Fisher. January 2013. 76pp.
174Biomanipulation of Shallow Wetlands in Southern Minnesota Using Rotenone Reclamation: Rotenone Maximum Concentration and Degradation. By Craig Soupir, Bob Davis, Brian Schultz, Ryan Doorenbos, Phil Nasby, Charles Obler, Luke Rossow, Leslie George, and Shannon Fisher. January 2013. 13pp.
175Evaluation of Juvenile Steelhead Index Stations on the Minnesota Shore of Lake Superior 1973-2010. By Matt Ward and Donald Schreiner. November 2015. 15pp.
176Riparian Acquisition and Management in Minnesota’s Lake Superior Watershed. By Donald R. Schreiner, Jamie L. Juenemann, and Rebecca A. Reiche. November 2015. 107pp.
177The 2013 Summer Stream Trout Fishery in Southeast Minnesota: Historical Changes and Influence of Angling Regulations and Instream Habitat Enhancement Projects.  By Douglas J. Dieterman and Vaughn A. Snook. July 2015.  128 pp.
178Patterns in Phytoplankton and Zooplankton in Minnesota Lakes. By Steven Heiskary, Jodie Hirsch, and Heidi Rantala. January 2016. 88pp.
179The 2013 Winter Trout Fishery on Southeast Minnesota Streams.  By Vaughn A. Snook and Douglas J. Dieterman.  July 2015.  44pp.
180Manual of Instructions for Lake Survey. Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, Fish and Wildlife - Section of Fisheries. 2017 (version 1.04). 191 pp. (supplemental linked documents - available upon request)
181Fisheries Management Plan for the Minnesota Waters of Lake Superior. Prepared by Cory A. Goldsworthy, Keith A. Reeves, Joshua E. Blankenheim, and Nick R. Peterson. July 2017. 131pp.
182Investigation of Fish Kills in Minnesota Waters.  Prepared by Marilyn Danks, Heidi M. Rantala, Ling Shen, Sean P. Sisler, and Al G. Stevens.  November 2017.  41 pp.
183Lake Vermilion Fisheries Management Plan.  Prepared by Matt Hennen, and Edie Evarts.  March 2018.  66pp.
184A survey of Minnesota Department of Natural Resources area fisheries staff on methodology and use of fish age estimates.  By Mike McInerny, Joe Stewig, Mike Habrat, John Hoxmeier, Nate Hodgins, and Calub Shavlik.  May 2017.  14 pp.
185Atlantic Salmon Management in the Minnesota Waters of Lake Superior, 1980-1998.  Prepared by Donald R. Schreiner and Mary T. Negus.  December 2019.  39 pp.
186Chinook Salmon Management in the Minnesota Waters of Lake Superior, 1974-2014.  Prepared by Donald R. Schreiner, Mary T. Negus, and Joshua Blankenheim.  December 2019.  48 pp.
187Lake Trout Rehabilitation in the Minnesota Waters of Lake Superior, 1962-2014.  Prepared by Donald R. Schreiner, Cory A. Goldsworthy, Mary T. Negus, Patrick J. Schmalz, and Keith A. Reeves.  December 2019.  95 pp.
188Review of Northern Pike Toolbox Regulations Implemented Spring 2003.  Prepared by Bethany J. Bethke, Rodney Pierce, and David F. Staples.  October 2021.  23 pp.
189Guidelines for Age and Growth Estimation of Minnesota Fishes.  March 2018, Version 1.01.  By John Hoxmeier, Mike McInerny, Mike Habrat, Nate Hodgins, Eric Katzenmeyer, Calub Shavlik, and Joe Stewig.  94 pp.
190Minnesota Fisheries Information Needs: 2023 Update January 2023. By Patrick J. Schmalz, Melissa K. Treml, and R. John H. Hoxmeier. 25 pp.
191Synopsis of Minnesota Catfish Fisheries and Catfish Management. By A. Sindt, D. Oliver, G. Berg, J. Lauer, J. Stiras, M. Wolf N. Kludt, N. Schlesser, S. Mackenthun, S. Sisler, and S. Shroyer. January 2025. 34 pp.
192A Decade of Change: Crustacean Zooplankton Communities in Nine Minnesota Large Lakes. By K. Cattoor, H. Rantala, D. Staples, J. Walsh, J. Hirsh, and G. Montz. January 2025. 118 pp.
193Stock Status and Safe Harvest Level Evaluation for Sauger in Minnesota Waters of Lake of the Woods. By B. Nelson and M. Skoog. January 2025. 28pp.

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